Dreaming of Fields
Right off the bat, dreaming of fields makes me think of using play-on-words or puns as a point of entry. For example, you might use dreaming of a field when referring to your workplace and what “field” you are in.
How about Sherry who, like me, thinks about a wide-open space when dreaming of a field. For her, the field in her dream, provided not only a triple entendre, but that same field simultaneously provided a solution to her dilemma.
In her dream of a field, Sherry was at once, referring to her dating and “playing the field”, but it also captured her feeling of vulnerability standing in that very wide-open space. A third play on words appears in mirroring her current dilemma; that being how she was so surprised by a recent incident; you might say that “it came out of left field”.
Dating a fellow she really liked, he suddenly and unexpectedly disappeared from being around altogether. After a few days, Sherry dreamed she was standing in a field. She described, “Fragments of a plane were coming at me so fast. I was saying to myself, ‘I can’t run away from this. I’m accepting my fate. Then I resurfaced in the water, wondering how I got there.'”
What a wonderful example of a dreamer who is letting her worries go and accepting her fate! And what results does she discover after experiencing what seemed like her demise in the dream? She resurfaces from the water, a survivor!
Before moving away from the many play on word possibilities dreaming of a field or a meadow presents, I will add the notion of a field’s openness. Besides the vulnerability we saw in Sherry, feeling in that very wide-open space, what about bringing forward the idea of all the choices dreaming of fields presents?
Field Dream Interpretation
Some of the possible meanings of a field or meadow in a dream could be:
- Freedom, openness, or possibilities.
- Dating or “playing the field”.
- Remoteness or privacy.
- Nature or its beauty or power.
- Feeling separated from society or its rules.
- Your job or “field of work”.
- Fertility, growth or personal growth.

A Wide Open Field of Dreams
Perhaps your dream is here to highlight all the different ways you might go. I mean that in terms of where you might go inside a relationship, or how about your work, or what your response to someone might be? The field is wide open when you look at it like that!
When trying to uncover what situation you were discussing with yourself when you had your dream, please remember to connect to how you felt, because connecting to how you feel in the dream will open the door for you to think about what’s going on in your life recently that makes you feel the same way?
Sometimes it’s the action that clicks you in. Are you running in your dream of a field or are you lying there in the sun? Finally, remember to check in with your memories. Have you been in that field before? What are your memories about it?
One dream of a field that was a favorite of mine came to me through my Dream Catcher column at OprahDaily.com, in which the dreamer was chasing a small, tuxedo-colored rabbit through a field, she described, insisting she needed to adopt it. While I don’t get the chance to actually meet and discuss the dreams I am given through Oprah Daily, instead, I hypothesize in my column. This gives readers an array of choices and an opportunity to see which idea resonates with them.
Here’s the link for you to enjoy more about dreaming of fields.
Have you been dreaming of fields? Let me know if you have and if these examples help you with understanding what you were discussing.