Murdering in Dreams

What Does Murdering in Dreams Mean? Every so often I will meet a client who feels mortified to admit they had a dream of murder and yet desperately want to understand its meaning. Like any dream I hear, my 6 Point of Entry method will work, though it seems to me, especially when it comes […]
Synchronicity at work

I am a dream analyst. The other day, I was working with a client on the telephone, who was describing her dream filled with themes of black and white. My office is in my home and from my desk I have a view of the vestibule. While I was discussing her dream with my client, my daughter came into the house and walked past me into her bedroom. When she passed I noticed she was dressed all in black. A few minutes later as the dreamer was discussing the white images in her dream, I looked up and saw my daughter walk by me again except this time she had changed and was dressed all in white!
If this were my dream; Projective Dream Analysis

The late Dr. Montague Ullmans’ approach, commonly referred to as the “If this were my dream” method is what I want to discuss in this article. Dr. Ullman, like all of us, was faced with a dilemma when working with a group of people doing dreamwork, a situation he found himself in constantly.

I’m with a boy and a woman. I am a child too. We’re on the moon. It’s full. All of us lying on our stomachs holding on. We are worried about falling off (down) but then I remember we’re weightless up here aren’t we? We should be able to let go and float.
Two Wave Dreams

No one ever said being a parent is easy. There’s floods and tsunamis all over the place in parenting! These dreams of mine date back to 2011, during a trip to The Netherlands, where I was speaking at an IASD Dream Conference. I remember feeling plastered flat against the window. The wave moves back. We […]