The Dream Analyst Blog
About dreaming
You may be asleep, but your brain’s keeping busy. Get acquainted with the science and psychology behind dreams.
My dreams
Get some practical dream interpretation advice with case studies picked from my own brain.
The patterns and coincidences that pop up in our dreams are loaded with meaning. Let’s try to decode these strange phenomena.
Dreams I can't Explain
Sometimes, even the experts get stumped. Here are a few trips into the unconscious that had me scratching my head.
My latest posts

My Oprah Dreams: Repetition In Dreams
Here is a dream I had end of May 2011, the week that Oprah Winfrey’s last show was airing. During that period of my life

Problem Solving While You Sleep
Wondering what to do about something that’s bothering you? Life is filled with decisions– our own, others’, and even those others telling us what decisions to make. But the fact is, deep down inside, we usually know exactly what we should do. The trick is getting in there to access that wisdom.

Recurring Dreams Themes
A few weeks ago I wrote about a recurring image or theme that repeats itself during the same night. It’s called ROTE. I am going to discuss how some images and themes can repeat over a period of weeks, or months; sometimes even years!

Dream Fragments
From working with so many people, helping them understand their dreams, I am convinced the important part is that you connect to the dream’s meaning, no matter what method you use. Sometimes you can get some great info just from one picture or one scene in a dream!

Messy house! Dream or Nightmare?
Our home….every room….was filled with people. I don’t think I knew them but in the dream, they’re all friends….but friends who don’t leave!!! And the furniture is moved all over the place. In some cases there’s even more furniture than there was! For example, there’s three TV’s in the den. And there’s musical instruments everywhere along with musicians. It’s as though Andy doesn’t even notice all this going on!….Or anyway he isn’t bothered by it.

I’m with a boy and a woman. I am a child too. We’re on the moon. It’s full. All of us lying on our stomachs holding on. We are worried about falling off (down) but then I remember we’re weightless up here aren’t we? We should be able to let go and float.