Carpet Seller

I dreamed I was standing at a bus stop on Queen Mary Road. I had laid out a piece of cream colored carpet so a few women who were coming off the bus could see it and hopefully buy it. And it’s not even a carpet you’d put down on the floor (unless at the door) to wipe your feet. It’s just a cut of a carpet, and a lousy cut at that! It’s shaped like a messy, uneven triangle. I have price stickers on the back of it. The price was 39.99. The forst woman looks at it and offers me 40-something dollars. I am so happy I say to her, “I’m sure you’re the one who is going to get it.”

Two Wave Dreams

high crashing waves

No one ever said being a parent is easy. There’s floods and tsunamis all over the place in parenting! These dreams of mine date back to 2011, during a trip to The Netherlands, where I was speaking at an IASD Dream Conference. I remember feeling plastered flat against the window. The wave moves back. We […]

Tell Us What Our Recurring Nightmares Mean – Vice Magazine Article

Dreams about teeth falling out - illustration of girl with teeth falling out of her mouth

Whether it’s your teeth repetitively falling out of your head or going on a homicidal rampage, waking up sweaty and disoriented from a bizarre dream can leave you wondering what the hell is wrong with your head. And it really doesn’t help when you have the same dream over and over. Concerned about whether or not our recurring nightmares meant we were awful people or simply unwell (probably both), we reached out to a professional dream analyst, Layne Dalfen, to find out.