An Afterthought On Repeating Images

It’s funny. After this whole discussion about recurring themes and images in these last few articles, (Rote, Recurring Dream Themes, Dream Fragments 2) I was so focused on why we’ll have these recurrences over a short period of time, that I forgot to discuss what it’s about when you have a recurring image that stretches over a long period of time!

Stalling Dream

clock on a blank wall

I went shopping to a bookstore just as it opened. It’s carpeted. Feels even like it could be in a school. I know one of the things I bought besides books, was a wall clock for Emma-Jo. I’m not carrying a purse. It’s a canvas tote bag with straps. I wish I could remember the books I bought!!….But I can’t. I do think that one or two were ones I had bought before that I wanted to have nice copies of.

The Play = Literally

Flying from Montreal to Munich. Long flight. Took me a while to finally fall off to sleep. You have no idea how many times in the 45 years I have heard dreamers describe how they arrive at the exam room in high school and have no pen, or forgot their material… can’t open their locker… can’t get to the classroom, etc. So funny how I have never had that common dream. Well it was finally my turn to experience the experience I hear from so many clients.

Two Wave Dreams

high crashing waves

No one ever said being a parent is easy. There’s floods and tsunamis all over the place in parenting! These dreams of mine date back to 2011, during a trip to The Netherlands, where I was speaking at an IASD Dream Conference. I remember feeling plastered flat against the window. The wave moves back. We […]