Surprised and Confused but Not Turned on: When a Sex Dream Isn’t About Sex

Selina’s sexual dream brought with it a series of questions, surprises, and confusion. As it turned out though, the issue behind the dream had nothing to do with sex!
Toothless Dreams: One Image, Many Meanings

From Understanding Dreams Blog with Psychology Today Ever wonder why you dream that your teeth are falling out? The dream meaning of teeth falling out. KEY POINTS Some systems of dream interpretation assert that this common image has an invariable meaning, that it is about loss, important life changes, anxiety, and jealousy. However, the image of teeth […]
Problem Solving While You Sleep

Wondering what to do about something that’s bothering you? Life is filled with decisions– our own, others’, and even those others telling us what decisions to make. But the fact is, deep down inside, we usually know exactly what we should do. The trick is getting in there to access that wisdom.
Stalling Dream

I went shopping to a bookstore just as it opened. It’s carpeted. Feels even like it could be in a school. I know one of the things I bought besides books, was a wall clock for Emma-Jo. I’m not carrying a purse. It’s a canvas tote bag with straps. I wish I could remember the books I bought!!….But I can’t. I do think that one or two were ones I had bought before that I wanted to have nice copies of.