Dream Interpretation
In dream analysis, our first goal is always to name the current waking situation you were discussing with yourself when you had that dream. When I hear a dream about a car accident, I think about the word “accident” and I am already looking for a recent experience in my life that came unexpectedly. Am I to blame or is there no “fault”? If I was the driver or a passenger will help me see my responsibility.
Dreams about car accidents and more importantly where you are in the dream, might be a comment on how you are feeling in a given situation. Are you in the back seat unhappy about not feeling in control in your life? The dream may prod you to figuratively take the wheel. Is the dream instead perhaps highlighting your recent shirking of responsibility?
Maybe you had a car crash in your dream because some event or person surprised you in a bad way and you feel “hit” with the bad news.
Looking at the action in a dream will have me wondering if some recent circumstance needs the dreamer to call out for help. How about noticing who is in the car with you? Family members or instead business associates, might point you to realizing your waking situation is about one of those.
It is always important too to notice who you choose as the players in your dream. A particular person often reveals a certain character trait you need to employ in a given situation, especially if the trait required in today’s dilemma, is not one that you’re comfortable with! That happens because typically you will cast yourself in the part you most identify with, and you give out all the other parts of yourself; the aspects or behaviors inside you that you are less comfortable with, to different people.
If in your dream about a car accident you cast yourself as the passenger in order to reflect your lack of taking responsibility in a waking situation, don’t be surprised if someone who you associate with as being very comfortable stepping into the role of taking over also plays a roll in the same dream. Perhaps he or she is there to encourage you to “take the wheel” literally.
In a recent reel I posted titled “Crack the Code Simply” I discussed a car crash in a dream in which the dreamer was the driver, and then in the same dream, the same night, switched seats and was a passenger! Here’s the link so you can see how that dream unfolded.
When trying to find the waking situation your dream is reflecting, the important thing is to stay open to all the possibilities!

How dreaming about a car crash relates to your waking life
When trying to attach your dreaming about a car crash to the waking event you were discussing with yourself, let’s turn to another possibility. Using a play on words, I know so many people who use the expression “crash” when referring to how tired they feel. Maybe you say, “I was so tired, I went straight home and crashed.” How about “I’m crashing”, when trying to express how exhausted you are, or perhaps you “crashed” at a friend’s house last night. I would be asking the dreamer whose house they crashed at. This might help lead the dreamer to someone in their life who’s they might need to reach out to…. or more importantly, is the dream pointing the dreamer to a character trait they need to employ in a recent situation? If I crashed at someone’s house I would investigate how and why I put myself there in my dream. What personality trait is my dream suggesting I lean into?
Have you connected to some of these possibilities about what to look for when you dream about a care crash or accident. Let me know if you get what I’m saying. Have you had a dream about a car crash recently?
48 Responses
I was a pasenger inmy car that a friend is driving, she was driving fast around a curve and list control and crashed into a big gate. I walked out off the car onto a field and called an ambulance, ambulance came and did not check if i was ok, they checked my friend who was not hurt at all and ignored me. I was screaming and complaining why they did not check on me I was hurting. I left and went home
Hi. Since every dream is reflecting a very specific waking situation you are attempting to problem solve, If this was my dream, I would be thinking about what recent situation or person in my life has me feeling like I’m not cared about. That’s the “plot” you present in this dream. I think that you “called and ambulance”—–in other words, you called for help, is positive. Since you seem to be feeling ignored, perhaps try choosing someone in your life you trust to confide in—-someone who you feel comfortable will listen to whatever it is that’s hurting you.
i was driving on this dark road but before i started driving some events took place but i’m not entirely sure i just remember driving normally down a dark road and i think there was someone in the car but i can’t make out who it was but then i start speeding up and something completely takes over me like this strong wave of sadness then i cut the wheel for like 10 seconds i’m driving through branches and woods, then i hit a tree maybe going 110 mph and everything faded away then cut to black and i woke up. for some reason i didn’t feel scared i felt kind of neutral but everything going on in my life it make sense i’m having dreams like this.
Hi Ju. Thanks for reaching out. Since at the first, (or surface) level every dream is triggered by either something you thought about or something that happened to you the day before the dream, the job of dream analysis is always, first being able to attach the dream to whatever that very specific situation is. Once you know the issue you were discussing with yourself in the dream, you can look for the solution. The solution to an issue you are facing appears inside a dream first, before you get it consciously.
All that said, if this was my dream, I would focus on what happened in my life recently that’s got me feeling sad. I would also investigate the polarity of my also feeling “neutral” and see if I have responded to that recent situation appropriately. Hope that helps!
I had a dream where someone jealous of my fortune was driving, the person representing my opportunity was seated next to them, and I was in the backseat.
Constantly I noticed the jealous tried to curve the car to crash off a bridge into the sea, and I’ve had to grab the wheel in order to stop them to their dissatisfaction. Until they succeeded. Good thing is that while we landed in the water, my opportinity and I didn’t drown, but we struggled.
Hi Leah. It seems from how you wrote your question…..(and I am not certain you are even posing a question)….Sounds like you have already assigned your symbology and done your analysis of your dream. I am anyways glad to hear that while your opportunity and you did struggle….at least you survived! Good luck to you!
I dreamt last night that I was driving along a main road and drove past a car accident and didn’t stop to help. Although I could hear sirens. I then drove past another accident and didn’t stop. A went past a third accident, only this time I was on a bike and I again didn’t stop but I said to the person that someone was coming to help. I can only guess that this means I am ignoring important things in my life but I’m not sure. I’m also overseas on holiday at the moment if that makes any difference.
Hi Cherry. Your intelligent guess as to your dreams calling you (literally) to important events in your life you are ignoring is probably the ticket! (excuse my pun)…..Since you are in travel mode anyway, here’s 2 thoughts (options)…..1. Perhaps you might visit the important events in your waking life that seem to be begging for your attention. OR…2. Perhaps you are appreciating how you must –at this time–“ignore” situations in your waking life so that you can enjoy your travel abroad! Only you can decide if this dream is calling you to act or to ignore.
Good for you in your ability to so cleverly analyze your dream.
I had a dream, I was in a car with my sister (we’re currently not on speaking terms), she was driving, didn’t attempt slow down, we rear ended a car, that had already rear ended another car, there was a moment I tried to count how many cars in front had already rear ended, I think it was 5, another car or two or three rear ended us. I was relieved when we were rear ended and said to her, good it’s not your fault. Then she went to park somewhere for tow truck, she wanted to park in a spot that I thought would have made it hard for car to be towed so I said to park in what was a petrol station car park and pointed out the park I thought would make it easier access to be towed. She parked there, we got out, looked at damage on front, tried to take photo but it wouldn’t work, then there was a big spider web on front drivers side with a big black spider in it. I stepped back and the spider web and spider come off car and onto me, I screamed for her to help me as I’m very scared of spiders and she’s aware of this. She didn’t help me, then I woke up
Hi Cath
Since every dream is triggered by a very specific waking event that either happened or that you thought about the day before the dream, I would be looking for something going on recently in which A) I’m not feeling in control of and B) seems to be “piling up”. Further, If this was my dream it feel like my wanting to “direct traffic” or get involved feels very scary for me and also probably not worth it. I’m only saying this because as you describe your dream, it seems you not being “in the drivers seat” seems like the waking situation is not only not your “fault” but not your responsibility to fix either. Does this resonate with you?? ****VERY KEY***** Dreams are more often than not metaphoric, so be aware this dream may have nothing whatsoever to do with your sister. Since it IS a family member who appears in your dream…..an issue with family might be able to direct you to naming the specific waking circumstance that triggered your dream.
I was a passenger in my own car and my cousin was driving. I insisted her not to look at her phone but she doesn’t focus and rams into a gate. However, the car doesn’t stop. It reels back and then hits the gate like I’m in a roller coaster. I get out of the car unhurt and then call the cops. They don’t come for a long time. Then suddenly I’m with my parents stranded and get to know the cops came in and I have to go give my statements.
In our dreams we are always looking for the waking situation or recent circumstance the dream is reflecting. It’s only once you NAME the specific waking situation you were discussing with yourself in this dream, that you can begin to investigate the solution your unconscious is suggesting in the dream. If you are unfamiliar with my method, I suggest you visit my Instagram page to learn about the 6-Points of Entry. In your dream, I would begin by naming how you felt in the dream, like when the car doesn’t stop….the fact that you are a passenger, not the driver (=no control of any decision-making),and finally whatever is going on this week in your life that makes you feel like you do on a roller coaster. If you figure that out and want to discuss the solutions as they appear in a dream, I suggest you book a consultation with me to help you find solutions to the current problem. My expertise is in solution-finding! Here’s the link:
In my dream, I watched my car swerve across an icy highway. I was not in the car and no one was behind the wheel. The weather conditions caused the car to take off on its own. I tried to run after my car but there was oncoming traffic so I stood there and watched my car crash into another car. In that moment, I felt helpless but accepted there was anything I could do to further to stop my car from crashing. Can you help me better understand this dream please, Layne? Thank you in advance.
Hi Liliane,
In our dreams we are always looking for the waking situation or recent circumstance the dream is reflecting. It’s only once you NAME the specific waking situation you were discussing with yourself in this dream, that you can begin to investigate the solution your unconscious is suggesting in the dream. If you are unfamiliar with my method, I suggest you visit my Instagram page to learn about the 6-Points of Entry. In your dream, I would begin by looking at how you say you felt “helpless”. What very recent circumstance in your life has you feeling helpless? Is the situation one that fits you as you say, “accepting” there is nothing you can do like you do in the dream? Does that fit as a solution? I am also drawn to how your car is driving itself. No one is behind the wheel. If this was my dream, once I NAME the waking circumstance I was discussing with myself inside this dream, I would be in a position to decide if I should take action or as you say “accept the situation.” I hope that helps!
I was taking my husband to an appointment. I passed a car and when I came to a stop sign / T in the road I kept going over a 10ft embankment. I actually saw the ground coming right at me. I never screamed I just rolled with it. The dream ended right before the windshield hit me.
Hi Deanna. Thanks for writing. Our dreams are an interior conversation. We discuss something from waking life we are trying to problem-solve. If you want to know specifically why you had this dream, I suggest you book a consultation! You’ll find out what your dream was really about and the best is you will walk away from our meeting knowing how to analyze your dreams! Here’s the link. I look forward to hearing from you and you’ll be pleasantly surprised to learn the solution to the current issue appears inside the dream before you get it consciously. = Propel your problem-solving. https://thedreamanalyst.com/dream-interpretation-consultations/
I was driving in my car behind my aunt in her car. My aunt ends up hitting the brakes and blamed it on a “bump in the road,” no real reason for hitting them. I end up rear ending her because I was not paying 100% attention and could not react in time.. my brakes felt oddly super stiff and heavy like I had to apply tons of force. We easily forgive eachother and Later in the dream we are all together with family while there was a big rain storm. It was only then that my aunts car decided to drive itself into the garage door (no driver). The dream ended after that.— I don’t understand this dream, and I feel that the stiff braking has a lot of symbolism.
Hi Paul. I agree with you that you say the stiff braking has a lot of symbolism. In case you’re not aware, a dream is an interior conversation that takes place between your conscious and your unconscious mind. This conversation is triggered by a very specific situation (or person) in your life this week that’s bugging you. The good news is that the solution to whatever is bugging you appears in a dream before you get it consciously. That’s what I do. I teach people how to recognize a solution when it comes in the form of a metaphor. First tho, of course I need to KNOW what the specific waking situation is and because I have a psychological approach (not a psychic thing), it is only you–the dreamer, who know what current issue you were discussing with yourself when you had this dream. I DO like that you’ve hooked in to the breaking is a great place to look. Is there some recent situation in which you would be smart to hit the breaks hard? ….or that you are TRYING to break from and it’s not that easy? Is your inner car driving itself??
I had a dream I was at a social event in my old home town near a beach. When going back to my car o go home I noticed my car was crashed into the wall, I tried to get into my car to start it and the door fell off and steering wheel fell down. I got frustrated in my dream because I was ‘running late for work’ and ended up borrowing a bicycle to get myself home. Leaving my wrecked car where it was.
Hi Fallan. I think the main theme I am hearing here is how you are “having trouble” getting to where you want to go. So that’s the question I’d be asking myself. Is it a certain place in a relationship you are trying to get to? Is it a certain “place” at work you’re hoping to get to? —-a new position in your company? A higher wage? What I find very positive about your dream is the action. Movement! When you saw your car crashed and was not available for you to use, you BORROWED A BIKE!! You found a way to keep in motion to get where you wanted to be. For me your dream is encouraging you to KEEP GOING! Excellent example of rehearsal in a dream.
I was in the passenger seat of our car, I had my headphones on and I was typing a college essay (I graduated college over 7 years ago). My husband was driving whilst I was typing away and singing. The next minute, just as I am finishing my work, there’s a massive wave that comes up and splashes over the top of the car and I realise we are driving next to the sea, on and old rickety wooden bridge, like a pier. Another car is driving towards us slowly so my husband tells me to get out the car while he turns. He reverses and turns too quickly, and the back wheels slip off the pier causing the car to fall into the sea and breaks in half. I woke extremely quickly with a shock so do not have any ending to my dream and no idea as to why I dreamt it. I’m quite shook up
Hi Rebecca. Thanks for reaching out. In case you’re not aware, a dream is an interior conversation that takes place between your conscious and your unconscious mind. This conversation is triggered by a person or situation in your life this week that’s bugging you. The good news is that the solution to whatever is bugging you appears in a dream before you get it consciously. That’s what I do. I teach people how to recognize a solution when it comes in the form of a metaphor. To help you connect to the circumstance you were discussing with yourself in this dream, I will say that it could be some situation you are “watching” as opposed to being directly involved with. I say this because in the dream you’re observing (not participating) how your husband responded to a completely unexpected situation. Can you connect to some very recent unexpected circumstance in which someone (not necessarily your husband) didn’t handle the matter very well—-while you stood and watched? The great news about this dream is in how you awoke in shock. Our nightmares often do that in an attempt to encourage the dreamer to REACT to something they are not really reacting to in waking life…..Like a quick example is watching your kid doing something you don’t consider the best move and you watching it—staying silent…..So look for something like that. Your dream is here to tell you to SPEAK! I hop0e that helps!
Hi, I had a dream I was on the highway and I was almost paralyzed from depression. I had a baby in the back seat which I don’t have irl, I knew she was back there and I knew her name, I told myself that I would kill her too, but I then thought that it was better to kill her as well so she wouldn’t have to go through the same thing as me. I then survived the crash and spent the rest of dream reliving the crash and remembering how I killed “my baby”. Im 16 and am not a mother. It’s been a week and it’s been replaying in my mind like I need to learn something from it. Please help me understand what it means Layne! Thank you so much,
Hi Lilly. Your dream sounds like you’re having a difficult time these days. It sounds like both you and the child like part of yourself are having a hard time. The VERY positive message you sent yourself through your honest dream is that you SURVIVED THE CRASH. Give yourself a break. Xoxo
My elder sister was driving my new car that I care a lot about. I was sitting in the back seat diagonal to her. She was driving quite fast when we went down a curvy residential street covered with snow. The car drifted and she stepped on the brakes which seem to have made things worse. We crashed into the fence between two houses and continued to drift into the backyard where other houses were connected. We eventually crashed through multiple fences of people’s back yards. When the car stopped I got out, I noticed the huge dent in the passenger seat opposite to me (behind my sister). I was really sad since this was my first car and it is new. I started to cry while touching the car and woke up.
The same night I had that dream, I managed to fall back asleep and had another dream. I was going to a big event with my friends so I had to park my car in an extremely busy underground parking lot. I managed to find a spot but realized my friends parked elsewhere that was really far so I decided to go back and park closer to them. I couldn’t find my car when I went back. Instead, I ended up in a restaurant back door that had signs leading me to “P1-P3”. My car was parked at P1. When I went through the door, it did bring me back to the underground parking but not the right floor. There was a serious accident between 3-4 cars. One was completely split in half vertically, one was completely crushed in the front and another seems relatively less damaged. I saw several people injured and trying to save each other but I somehow walked past that without stopping to help because I was desperate to find my car. I ended up getting lost again, this time I was in the stairwell connecting the floors in the underground parking. A man was going down the stairs very quickly behind me and I was scared and unsure whether he was following me. We ended up at the bottom of the staircase and saw a doorknob covered with blood. I wasn’t brave enough to touch it so I tried to find something to open it to avoid getting my hands dirty. I woke up before the door opened and whether the man behind me was dangerous.
Hi Flora. These dreams happen because your healthy unconscious mind is calling for your attention! Since there’s two dreams here it’s better to book a consultation with me so I can speak with you directly. I have a psychological approach to dream analysis and the best way is by me speaking to you—the dreamer directly in order to best understand the recent event in your waking life you are attempting to problem solve. I do promise you that the dream always has the solution! Here’s the link: https://thedreamanalyst.com/dream-interpretation-consultations/
I had the worst dream of my life this morning.
I was driving a car with a woman beside me and my 7year old twins in the back.
I got a little lost , lost some vision (I have MS) and was straddling lanes. Help was offered by the person beside me but I said no, thanks. I ended up turning into a one way lane with traffic coming towards me. Quickly, I turned and drove on. Then a minute later I came upon a bridge. We started driving on the bridge lane but I wanted to swap to the right hand lane. We had only been on the bridge lane for seconds but I realised as soon as I made the swap that we were much further over than I thought. The car started falling. I turned to my son in the back and told him I was so sorry. We fell and hit the ground. I seemed ok but when I turned to my son to tell him I was okay he looked at me with his big blue eyes and said “I’m not okay, mum” I started to panic as he said “don’t worry. You were great.’ And I woke up crying hysterically.
Hi Natalie. The dream is reflecting a recent waking situation from your life you are attempting to problem-solve. If this was my dream the 2 elements staring me in the face is….1) where you say, “Help was offered by the person beside me but I said no, thanks.” That would highlight for me the possibility that in whatever waking circumstance you were discussing with yourself in the dream it’s possible you are not accepting help. Do you have an idea what situation your dream is addressing? Perhaps this part is to point you to accepting help. 2) The second aspect of your dream is how you created a scenario here (with your son) in which you mad it SO SAD that you cried!! This has me wondering if you have been allowing yourself to feel and express some sadness concerning a recent event in your life. This is a good thing because your dream seems to have helped you bring out the feelings! Both these elements are attempting to give you solutions. 1) accept help and 2) let your feeling out! I hope that helps!
Hi, I just woke up from a startling dream. I was the passenger in a car with people I was friendly with. It was a younger woman driver, and we saw a semi-looking truck coming at us on the road, so we pulled to off to the side. It was thick with trees, and we noticed:realized the semi was actually a train.
The driver backed up to turn around, but we lost traction and plunged backward, downward, over a tall cliff. I started to pray out loud (am not religious), but it was if my voice was lost in the dark void of this downward fall.
The next thing I knew was we hit the ground and I was out of the car, normal-ish. I seemed unhurt. I walked around the back of the car to find the techie guy (from my favorite show Tracker), who is a double amputee and crack tech guy, leaned against the car. I was checking to see if he was alive. Then I woke up.
In my waking life, I live on the east coast and am traveling to Paris today. I am moving in mid-December, 3 weeks after I get back from this trip. I’m uncertain where I will live after February, which is both exciting and filled with uncertainty. I also have new health concerns that sprang up recently. Any thoughts on the key messages from this dream would be much appreciated.
I’ve had vivid dreams and premonitional dreams in the past, and struggle to see the messages clearly until later. Thank you.
Hi Kris. You are correct that at the surface level, in our dreams we are problem-solving a very current waking life situation. You’ve done a good job connecting your dream to your upcoming move and travel. If your hunch is correct, I would be focused first on how you say, “The next thing I knew was we hit the ground and I was out of the car, normal-ish. I seemed unhurt.” So you seem to know inside you’re going to come through this transition just fine. Maybe a bit “upside down”….but fine. Since I have a psychological approach and not a psychic thing, I would need you to tell me your associations to the guy from Tracker. I would investigate what character traits you associate with him and perhaps you want to access your “tech” ability in helping you with your decision-making vis a vis your health and where you will decide to live. I hope that helps!
I dreamed I was driving and slowing down for a red light, there was a car ahead me. Suddenly, a car passed me on the left and jerked his small truck into my lane. My big truck smashed into his, sandwiching him between mine and the other vehicle. He stood up, threw his fist in the air and laughed! He hooted and hollard in victory!
I’m typically pretty good at putting meaning to my dreams, but this one has me stumped.
Hi Kimberly. Thanks for reaching out. Since the dream is reflecting a waking situation that either happen or that you thought about the day before the dream, I might ask myself first how that scene mad me feel and look for what very recent circumstance made me feel a similar way. Aside from finding your feelings reflected….What about someone “controlling” or “manipulating” the way a circumstance panned out and taking some joy or feeling of accomplishment in their manipulation…..(Of course disregarding the potential “damage” to the others involved. Did something like that happen for you very recently? That’s what I might be asking myself in order to find the specific situation I was discussing with myself when I had the dream. ALSO? If you like I offer a free analysis in exchange for your permission to use your dream in a magazine. You change the name so you remain anonymous. The analysis happens by a back and forth texting or messaging with me so that I can properly capture our conversation. Let me know if I helped you discover what event you were discussing with yourself in the dream.
Hello! I dreamt last night that I was in my Tahoe carrying at least 4 other people (people I don’t recognize). We were coming home from a long trip and upon turning down the road to my parents house, there was construction and on their road and no open lane. When I was rounding the corner I was going very fast, so I hit one of the construction trucks head on. We rolled several times, the Tahoe was totaled but mostly everyone was ok. One passenger (some bald dude) had some bleeding and swelling in his face but he was the only one. We eventually made it to my parents house to tell the tale.
Hi. If you aren’t aware, our dreams are triggered by a very specific current waking situation we are attempting to problem solve. The dream IS that interior conversation. I work for free if you agree to text or email with me to analyze your dream for a magazine article. Would you consider that? Your dream is a great example! It is anonymous and you can give me a name to use so you remain anonymous. If you’d like to analyze your dream with me, please email me at info@thedreamanalyst.com
I had a dreamed that I was on my way home on one of the side streets and I was passing a big truck with a car on the back. As I got closer to the truck the car fell off the back, hit the ground and bounced up and before I could do anything it bounced on my car crashing my car. I grabbed my phone yelling Oh my God over and over again trying to call someone, then I started to black out. Before I blacked out I could see 2 people running towards me, 2 white men.
Hi April
Thanks for sharing your dream. Since every dream is reflecting a very specific waking situation, I would look at the “action” in this dream and ask myself in what recent situation I am feeling like I need to ask for some help or advice.
Most importantly, is this a case where I actually DO want to seek help or advice but I haven’t??? I am asking my question because or dreams are often “calling out” to us to do something we aren’t doing……..and the way a dream can accomplish that end, would be to create a scenario inside the dream where the dreamer is kind of forced to “reach out for help.”….So if you’ve been holding back, perhaps your dream is calling you to take action and reach out. I hope that helps! You can always book a private consultation at https://thedreamanalyst.com/dream-interpretation-consultations/
Hey there,
My dream was about an ex driving and me sitting in the back seat. A female was in the passenger seat however I did not recognize her. My ex was driving at night on the highway and all the sudden the car is flipping over. The female takes the wheel because my ex lets go of it while the crash is happening. It appeared that he was intoxicated. Then before we crash I wake up. However I felt the fear of falling/crashing to my death.
Hi Valerie
Since every dream is reflecting a very specific waking situation, I would look at the feelings based on the “suddenness” of the dream’s story, and ask myself, what recent waking situation happened quite suddenly and took me by surprise…..and I don’t mean a happy surprise.
That might help you NAME the specific recent situation you were discussing with yourself in the dream. As for solution-finding inside this dream, I would have to speak with you directly to understand what your associations are to the people who appeared in your dream.
You can book a consultation by going to: https://thedreamanalyst.com/dream-interpretation-consultations/
I hope this helps! Have a nice weekend.
Hi. i just woke up from a dream wherein i was driving a friends car ( i am heavily attached to said friend and the car ) and the car crashes in some forest area but im unable to get out of the car. I try calling this friend but he’s busy. A woman with a child shows up and instead of trying to help she asks if she can borrow some “light”. I say yes, (idk why i said yes idk what light she was referring to. Maybe a candle? from what i remember) she thanks me and leaves. She says she will come back to return the light to me. After this, i am able to move but only in the car. As if im trapped. I am dreaming in 3rd person perspective. I can see myself watching this friend be busy and unable to answer the call. Idk what to take out of this because usually i can put meanings to my dreams but this one has me feeling weird..
Hi A
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your dream. As you may have seen by reading my blog, a dream is actually an interior conversation you have with yourself concerning a very recent problem on your mind. At the first level, every dream is triggered by a very recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve.
Since I am not a “psychic”, and so “telling” you what your dream is about without speaking to you would be impossible! I have no idea what happened in your life yesterday that triggered this dream!….not without speaking to you!
I work from a psychological perspective, of course I need you in order for me to uncover what current waking situation in your life you were discussing with yourself in this dream.
My fee for a one hour private consultation is 149.00 . Half for 1/2 hour.
If you would like to book a private consultation, I will look forward to seeing you soon. I am posting the link here for you.
If that’s not what you can manage, I offer a free consultation if you agree to allow me to publish the analysis in a magazine article. You can choose a name you want me to use, so you remain anonymous.
Our conversation has to happen by text, so I am able to capture your words and mine exactly.
Sometimes our conversation might take a day or so to give us time ——me asking you questions and you responding.
Let me know if texting is okay for you and of course send me your phone number so we can start!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Layne Dalfen
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I had a dream that I came out of the shopping mall and 1 car had been pushed into the passenger side of my car. The whole front passenger side was crashed in. And a black car was a bit further away facing my and the other cars front end. The other drivers were not on site but there were people in the parking lot but none were noticing the crash . I left the seen and then came back and was sitting in the front passenger seat of my car that was still damaged but the other cars were gone. Someone I know from a job I had for a short period and left not long ago was in the backseat. She kept talking over me and I just kept giving her things from the middle console of my car. There was a door at the end of the parking lot which was brown and without windows- at some point during the dream I went there and left a note for someone.
Unsure what it all means
Hi Stephanie. I wrote a response to you directly so please let me know if you received it. Would love to help you understand this dream. Best, Layne
Just had a dream about crashing. Was in the passenger seat, husband driving, kids in backseat (in our pickup). Pouring rain, stopped in the middle of a back road, and he got out to check the water on the road or to take a leak maybe? A small car came flying down the road from the other side, came into our lane and crashed into our parked truck. Pretty shaken up and oldest child was hurt. Truck starts driving itself slowly down the road. Somehow I’m now in the driver seat, driving down trying to call 911, but it’s connected me with a doctors office and the doctors office is closed so it reroutes to their outsourced call line. I’m explaining the accident, keep checking the phone to verify I have in fact called 911, and trying to drive back to find my husband. I wake up in an odd position with my arm twisted wrong and asleep, pins and needles.
Hi Cariad
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your dream. As you may have seen by reading my blog, a dream is actually the interior conversation you have with yourself and it is triggered by a very recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve.
Since I am not a “psychic” and I work from a psychological perspective, of course I need you in order for me to uncover what current waking situation in your life you were discussing with yourself in this dream.
**It’s very positive how you did put yourself in the driver’s seat in this dream and that you called for help! I can teach you how to point to the waking circumstance you were discussing with yourself in this dream. The solution is already staring you in the face! Creative!
My fee for a one hour private consultation is 149.00 . Half for 1/2 hour.
If you would like to book a private consultation, I will look forward to seeing you soon. I am posting the link here for you.
If that’s not what you can manage, I offer a free consultation if you agree to allow me to publish the analysis in a magazine article. You can choose a name you want me to use, so you remain anonymous.
Our conversation has to happen by text, so I am able to capture your words and mine exactly.
Sometimes our conversation might take a day or so to give us time ——me asking you questions and you responding.
Let me know if texting is okay for you and of course send me your phone number so we can start!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Layne Dalfen
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In my dream I remember I was with mu husband and his brother and our daughter in the back seat. I was in the passenger seat and his brother was the driver. In real life his brother doesn’t drive yet. But I remember him driving smoothly but them suddenly stepped on it. I felt uneasy and then he lost control and crashed into a nearby building’s window however it did not brake. Then somehow our neighbor came out the car and decided not to ride with us no more. Shocked from the event , my husband decided to take the wheel. As we drove we started talking about what just happened when suddenly my husband stopped paying attention to the road and hit a tree on the side of the road. We were all okay but we were wondering why it happened again. I remember I prayed for whatever badluck we had to go away. We continued on after making sure everyone was okay . I remember the last thing I said was, “are we gonna fall of the bridge next?” And mu husband replied I don’t know. Then woke up. I’m trying to piece together what it could mean.
Hi. The dream is a reflection of a very recent waking experience you had. In fact we are problem solving in our sleep. From your description it sounds like you’ve been experiencing some unexpected “accidents”. The people who we dream about represent the different aspects of ourselves. Maybe ask yourself what few personality traits come to mind when you think about your husband’s brother——you say he doesn’t drive yet. Have you been trying to manage a situation in your life that you don’t have experience in? Your dream may be trying to get your attention about what’s not working out for you in a very recent waking situation. If you’d like a private consultation here’s the link. https://thedreamanalyst.com/dream-interpretation-consultations/
Hi, I am on a trip with my sister at this beautiful and serene place, without my husband and daughter. It’s after a long time that I had taken some time off from work and taken a real break. I had a wonderful relaxing evening watching sunset near a calm lake the day before. Then the next day I wake up to this car accident dream. I witnessed a car accident where two little kids where crashed under the car wheels in front of my eyes and I couldn’t do anything.the dream was so vivid. The car came In and the kids were running behind the car, the car stopped suddenly to take a reverse, the kids fell and while the car was reversingThe kid were crashed under the wheel. I was spending some time with that family before the accident, though It didn’t have any characters from my real life
Hi. Thanks so much for reaching out. I offer free analysis to certain people when their dreams catch my attention. I do it by text or email because I use the dream session to publish in a magazine. ALL is confidential and you can even choose the name you want me to use. you had a terrific dream here and it already served you well as it seems to have succeeded in grabbing your attention! Our dreams are specifically related to a very specific person or problem THIS WEEK that we are attempting to come to a conclusion about. The dream actually gives you the solution to the issue. You get what you need or want to do about something and it arrives in the dream before you get it consciously——You can propel your problem-solving if only you can understand what the heck you were saying to yourself when you had the dream. That’s my specialty. Does a free analysis of this dream in exchange for your permission to use it something you would like to do? Please let me know. I also offer private consultations which you can book here at this link! https://thedreamanalyst.com/dream-interpretation-consultations/ Looking forward to hearing from you. Happy Sunday!