Lately, I have had a spree of people asking me what dreams about poop means! It inspires me to write the most obvious and important place to begin when trying to uncover why you used that particular imagery.
As you may already know a dream is the interior conversation you have with yourself, and it is triggered by a very specific recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve. I want to familiarize you with the 6 Point of Entry method I developed, in order to help you attach your dream to the waking life situation you were discussing with yourself when you had the dream.
The Feelings, The Action, The Puns and Play on Words, The Symbols, The Repetition, and finally, The Plot.
If we begin by using the symbol as a pure metaphor, shit will be about letting something out. We may use that symbol when we have either expressed our feelings, but perhaps more so, when we have not! A dream of you shitting may be your unconscious mind hoping for and encouraging you to let it out and express whatever it is you have to say.
Truly though, when it comes to investigating a “shit” dream, the best Point of Entry you can use is play on words. I’ll be smart to say, if you will kindly excuse my “language”, here below for you, is only a quick list of things we say; expressions we use, that immediately pop into my mind when thinking about “shit”. Please don’t be shy to add some of your own associations to my list, as here is where shit dreams may start from!
I have shit to say = I have nothing to say, or I have something bad to say
I feel like shit today.
I’m in so much shit (trouble).
That girl is so full of shit.
That guy is such a piece of shit.
Here is Sue’s Poo Dream, along with our conversation and analysis, to help you see how an actual dream mirrors the dreamer’s waking situation.
Sue’s Dream About Poop
I am in a resort. I am my own age. I have a little girl with me who has blond hair. She’s two years old. In reality I have a grown son, not a daughter.
The resort is very busy. There are so many people there. We’re in the pool and the little girl tells me she has to go potty. After we got out of the pool my mother was suddenly with me.
We were in this giant room filled with people. My mother was across the room from me squatting like someone from China would and looking at me. The little girl is next to me, and poo appears all over the place!
I hadn’t even taken her diaper down yet and I started to put it into my mouth. It isn’t the shape of regular poo. It’s the same color as chocolate milk. I put it in my mouth and started to clean it and spit it out.
When I’d spit the poo out it was like little white blocks. It kind of looked like cheese. So, it went into my mouth like a chocolaty color, and it came out white.
I kept doing that and my mother said, “What are you doing? Why are you doing that? Are you crazy?” I just looked at her. I didn’t respond.
I wasn’t grossed out in the dream. It seemed normal. After a little while I took the little girl’s diaper down. She wasn’t dressed in swimming clothes. In fact, she had leggings on. As I took down her diaper all of the feces came pouring out, but now it looked almost like diarrhea.”
My discussion and analysis with Sue about her poop dream:
I always have my pen ready to map a dream, but after hearing Sue’s dream I put the map on hold for the point of entry that was screaming at me.
I explained, “There are certain people in my life who when I want to say something to them, I must think about how I am going to say it keeping in mind I still have to say what I have to say. I might have a dream like yours at a time like that, especially if I have some shit to say to somebody and it’s building up inside me, but I want to be careful about how it comes out. You put the shit in your mouth, and you clean it up before you spit it out. Does that resonate with you at all? Is there someone in your life who you have something to say to this week that you are considering how to come out with it? It could be your mom, but not necessarily. I only name her because she appears in your dream, but you may have chosen your mom to represent someone else. If it really is your mom, she would be a great example of someone who we are often careful about cleaning things up before we speak. I don’t mean clean in the literal sense. I am saying it metaphorically. Saying something with caution and care around it instead of in a harsh or blatant way.”
After a knowing ‘Aha!’ Sue shared, “Well, you know the day I had this dream I was shopping with my mother. There were a lot of abusive things that were said to me as a child especially by my mom and I’ve been spending some time with her wanting to talk about this and let it go, but you know, she doesn’t get it. You know how people will say things to you but they don’t even remember they said it? Well things stick with me forever. My mother wonders why I remember everything and wishes I would just let stuff go. She doesn’t appreciate I am trying to resolve the past precisely so that I can let it go!” Sue closed with saying, “When I went to sleep last night, I was praying I could let go of what she was saying to me.”
Using a character in the dream, I explained to Sue the little girl is a part of her own self. Sue wondered, “Why do you think the little girl is blonde and as a child I was dark haired?” I responded, “Yes! Of course, the little girl is different than you. In the dream, she’s the one letting it out. Literally. And you are the one taking what comes out of her and stuffing it back in. Literally. If this was my dream, the act of my pulling her diaper and her tights down would be me pulling away all the barriers I have used to hold my feelings in all these years. My feelings even turned into diarrhea. For me that represents something I can no longer hold in.”
Further, I explained, “Using the little girl in the dream captures how the story stretches all the way back to when it started for you. It makes sense that before we let something go, we first must let it out! It seems like that’s what you are doing in the dream. It’s a great metaphor. With poo, we can only hold it in for so long, until it has to come out.”
I added, “You don’t have to express these feelings to your mom necessarily, in order to accomplish this end. You can share your feelings with a friend or family member you trust. The important point is you are taking care of your little girl. The little girl inside you. You are feeding her your adult voice now, as opposed to the voices you were brought up with. The little girl looks different than you because she is different from you!”
Poop Dreams Solutions:
This dream points to at least two items for discussion. First, Sue says her mom is a person who will never take responsibility for her behavior in the past. When you are dealing with a person like that you aren’t going to get anywhere by simply holding your ground, insisting she was abusive. This won’t make it better. In my work with dreamers I often say the bottom line is finding a way to get what you need.
Once you know what you need, you can ask yourself, “Is my behavior in the dream appropriate to the situation?” In this case, as Sue discovered, she needs to find some way to communicate her feelings to her mom.
One possible solution from the dream comes from the metaphor about Sue “cleaning up” what she wants to say before it comes out of her mouth. If this is her decision, the dream affords her a rehearsal for editing how she speaks to her mom about her feelings. Alternatively, Sue might decide to share her uncensored feelings with a friend or trusted family member. In this way at least her feeling are expressed. Getting your feelings out into the air stops them from festering inside you.
Additionally, this dream offers the following lesson: it is never too late for us to begin caring for our inner child. As this dream shows, Sue has already begun doing that.
Final note: I am not surprised the dream takes place in a resort, with the play on words in this discussion about what approach Sue will “resort” to in order to let go of her past.
Have you had dreams about poop?
Let me know in the comments or on my Instagram what your dreams about poop are all about:
94 Responses
Hi Layne
If we see someone else pooping because the toilet door is left open. I try walking out of that area but am stuck cos there are small kids that the lady has and thats the reason she left the door open.
What can I make out of this dream. I did not have any communication with that lady and I didnt see her face either.
Hi there. Thanks for posting your question. Since the dream is an interior conversation triggered by a specific situation that happened to you the day before the dream, the first goal is always to find the situation you were discussing with yourself in the dream. One thing about your dream is how you are an OBSERVER in the dream, not a participant. If this was my dream I might first ask myself how I felt watching the scene in the dream. How did you feel about seeing this woman? what happened in your waking life in the day or so before this dream that made you feel the same way? What did you recently observe that is similar? For example if I go out to eat with a couple and they have an argument while I am sitting with them and the wife starts yelling at him in front of everyone and I’m “watching” it?…..Perhaps I will have a dream like yours — of me watching someone poo with the door open. That’s an example of how to go about analyzing a dream. If you want to work with this specific dream, or any other you have please feel free to book a private consultation with me. You can do so at
Hi Layne,
I had a dream that I always pooped in the wrong place. Last night I had a dream that I pooped in the shower/floor and I had to grab it and bring it to the toilet.
There would be times that I pooped in the toilet but then the toilet is clogged. I have to pick up the poop with my bare hands.
Hi Irene. Thanks for your comment. Off the top of my head your dreams make me think of two main scenarios in my waking life that I might conjure up a dream like yours. 1. If I’ve been cleaning the house with people not “picking up” after themselves and I’ve been doing it?……..I might be saying to myself how I’ve been “picking up shit”. Notice the expression—In a dream, can be a very direct metaphor. 2. If I myself have behaved in a way that makes me feel badly, and then need to atone for myself…..That’s got the same feeling as what you are describing. I did something I feel badly about and now I have to “pick up my shit”—-This is again, another play on words. Do either of those waking situations resonate with you?
it can also be a sign of recieveing money form an unexpected source ….like winning a lottery or an award…or selling ones work….
Hi. Are you saying dreaming about poop can be a sign of recieveing money form an unexpected source ….like winning a lottery or an award…or selling ones work????? You are reaching out to the wrong person on this. I look at dreams from a psychological perspective, so what you are saying is very far away from what I do. I leave you with your right to your own opinion tho and wish you a nice day!
Last night I dreamed that I was at a house and something happened (I don’t know what) that made me have to go outside and chase someone, but in the middle of the chase I realized I needed to poop. I kept running because I couldn’t let them get away and felt some come out but thought it was just a little. When I got back to the house where I was staying, I came in and some friends were there and I said that I had caught the person but had to go to the bathroom. As I turned to walk up the hall, the friend said it looked like I already had because she could see it in my pants. When I got to the bathroom, I expected a mess, but it was a perfectly clean solid piece that hadn’t made a mess at all. That’s when I woke up.
Hi. The job of analyzing a dream always begins with the task of matching the dream to the waking situation that triggered it in the first place. For your dream I would be looking at the plot. What do you think you have been “chasing“ recently? Chasing for someone’s attention? Chasing a job? Chasing a relationship? If this was my dream I might have it if while I was chasing someone I may have “let too much of my feelings out”. Perhaps I was about to feel embarrassed about how much I “let out” but in the end it looks like it wasn’t as bad as what I thought. Your thoughts on my analysis are always welcome. If I don’t have your input—-it’s all projection and hypothesis!
Hi Layne,
The beginning of the dream has me in a public restroom where all the toilets are full of poop. I need to pee, but I realize that none of the toilets are flushing so I will have to choose a toilet, but not be able to flush. I’m totally grossed out in this scene.
Later I am with an old friend who, in real life, I have not seen for many years as she now lives in Australia. She and her new fiancé are coming to do a therapy session with me in a large home where I am living. (I’m a retired psychologist in real life.) This house is not my home. I’ve never seen this house in real life. Now I’m walking with them into the house. But outside there is dog poop covering the yard and I am embarrassed that I didn’t have time to clean the yard before their arrival. I explain that I was traveling and arrived home late, hence I was unable to clean the yard. We enter this very large building/house and begin looking for a good place to conduct our session. Now it looks like a business setting, but is immense with large rooms and long conference tables. The seating was very unusual for doing a therapy session. I encourage my friend and her fiancé to sit down at a table not too far away from me, but they are not at my table which makes no sense to me in real life. I wake up before we begin our session.
Hi there. Thanks for posting your question. Since the dream is an interior conversation triggered by a specific situation that happened to you the day before the dream, the first goal is always to find the situation you were discussing with yourself in the dream. My method involves a 6 point of entry system. When I read your dream it is the feelings you describe that attract my attention so it’s a Feelings point of entry I would use in order to help you attach your dream to the specific very recent waking life situation you were discussing with yourself when you had this dream. What recent experience in your life made you feel 1. Like there is no place to “let out” what you are feeling and 2. Has you feeling a bit grossed out that you even have to choose who or where to let those feelings out? 3. I would also be looking for a recent situation that has me feeling a bit embarrassed. We are problem solving in our dreams and the solution to what you want to do about something that is bothering you actually appears in the dream before you get it consciously. I am here at if you want to discuss this terrific dream further. I already have some ideas about the solution but as you are probably aware I need you—the dreamer in order to solve the puzzle.
Hi Layne,
I was a cashier at a bank and a man came with $5 and $10 bills to pay for something. I told him his money was counterfeit. He looked drunk. Nevertheless, I took the money but then I was so uncomfortable and kept looking and checking the watermark on it. The money was just black and white printed paper. The man who brought it was still there so I told him I couldn’t accept his money. He waited a response from a white older woman and an Asian middle aged woman who worked at this bank. They came out and closed an office because apparently it was a department. They told him they couldn’t help him because he was not this bank’s customer but he said he was willing to open an account there. And she decided to help him. Then I saw myself barefoot in a public restroom. I opened one stall and I saw poop in a toilet. I opened another one and saw the same. I then tried to tiptoe because the floor was covered in pee. I was wearing long pants and was lifting it so it didn’t get dirty. I was disgusted and told myself never walk barefoot into a public restroom. I saw that Asian woman looking at me but I felt uncomfortable and avoided the eye contact and walked out to a dark but nice lobby with vine tree which had berries like blueberries on a wall but they were not edible. I walked past that. I then saw a beautiful house on the water which looked like a resort with white curtains. Someone said it was the only house and it is very expensive.
Hi Alice. After reading my blog on this subject, have you been able to connect your dream to a very recent waking life situation that has a similar plot? Or a circumstance that made you feel in a similar way to this scenario that you set up in your dream? Did someone try and “put something over on you?”
I had a dream where my brother who always appears in my dreams as a child was in the bathroom when I needed to poop so I had to wait. I really needed to go but thought I could hold it. There was a nearby pan I could have used but it was in the open. I felt too embarrassed to use it. My mom who always takes up for my brother was there and saw what was happening but kept quite. I felt some of the poop escape so I ran to the outside bathroom but my brother was using it at that moment. My grandmother was there offering me tickets to a game I wanted to go to. She also knew what was happening but I was too afraid to tell her even though she kept asking. By that time I had fully pooped in my pants. My brother came out the bathroom and she then went in. I felt I could not say anything to her about it being my turn to use the bathroom ahead of me because she was the head of the family. When she finally came out I was anxious and crying but still could not explain what happened because I was too embarrassed. She knew that I pooped myself so she offered to take me to the Superbowl.
Hi Mona. In reading your dream and my looking for the very recent waking situation you were discussing with yourself when you had this dream, I would be asking myself, what circumstance in my recent life had or has me “HOLDING IN” or anyways trying to hold in something I have to “express” to someone. How you say, “I felt I could not say anything to her about it being my turn to use the bathroom ahead of me because she was the head of the family.” That said for whatever reason I know if this was my dream it would definitely be about my not speaking out something I have to say. It has got to come out! Literally. Your dream is here to inspire you to SPEAK! Even—it seems—if speaking out might turn out to be messy. Good luck!
I dreamed I went to the bathroom to pee and when I went to flush the commode, a big fat long shiny brown turd came out of the top rim of the bowl and fell into the water. I felt irritated and wondered who was s******* these big turds, because they needed to be responsible for them getting flushed down into the system. These turds weren’t mine and I felt I shouldn’t have to deal with it that someone else needed to be more responsible.
Hi Jan, Hi. You may have seen my response to another dreamer earlier on this page and also in this blog post as well. The job of analyzing a dream always begins with the task of matching the dream to the waking situation that triggered it in the first place. For your dream I would be looking at the “Puns and Play on Words”. I would be focused on that Point of Entry because of your language! You said: “…..I felt I shouldn’t have to deal with it that someone else needed to be more responsible.” So my question to you will be who and/or what situation in your recent waking life is a case of you somehow feeling (or being made to feel) responsible for someone else’s “shit”? If this was my dream I’d be wanting to “express” my feelings to whomever it is who tries to put responsibility for cleaning up the mess on me! For me this is a dream there to encourage me to speak! For your knowledge……No one can “put” responsibility on you unless you ACCEPT it! I sounds like you may want to flush any blame you’ve been accepting that doesn’t belong to you away. I hope that helps!
Hi Layne, I had the strangest dream, where I was standing at one end of a house, and my teenage grandson was standing in the next room facing away from me. His younger sister, my granddaughter then walked in through the back door and poop was falling onto the floor. Then she stepped in it, but seemed not to notice and started talking to her brother. I was going to go and clean it up, but then I noticed that my adult son (their father) was standing between them and me, and he was wearing a hazmat suit (like for asbestos removal).
Then I looked to my left and in another room was my 3 year old grandson who is the child of my youngest son (who was not present). My little grandson was also facing away from me and wearing clear plastic pants like they used to put over diapers back in the day, but no diapers underneath. The plastic pants were like a small aquarium about 3/4 full of pee, with pieces of poop floating around in it. I was thinking he must feel so uncomfortable.
I found the whole dream very confusing.
Since every dream is not only reflecting a recent waking experience and the solution to that situation appears in the dream before you get it consciously, booking a private consultation to analyze the dream always proves to be beneficial. When you understand the language of your dream—you get the solution faster. Here’s where you can book a consultation.
I dreamed where I’m in a kind of hostel with many people and I felt like to poo then choose one end of the room eased my self on a paper packed it up and was going to the toilet to flush it and take my bath and people where all over the hostel or hall
Hello. I suspect this dream had you feeling embarrassed. I’d be looking at the feelings and asking myself what waking situation happened this week that made me feel the same as I did inside the dream. As well it looks as if you’re trying unsuccessfully to hide whatever “came out of you”. Perhaps you lost your temper in front of people so there’s no hiding something like that.
What does it mean to see a shit in the toilet but it’s not flushing
Sounds like you have some “shit” in your life you are having trouble resolving…..or getting rid of…..or letting go of.
I had a dream where i was pooping in toilet, which was in a big open room, and i had so much to poop that i was startled in my dream that why i had poop in such large amount. Very weird dream and the visuals are still in my mind from last week since i had the dream.
Hi. Thanks for sharing your dream. I believe these two reels on my YouTube account will help you figure out what waking situation in your life triggered your dream. I hope this helps!
Here’s Part 1
And here’s another!
I’ve had so many dreams about pooping with the same theme. I’m sitting on the toilet and the bowl is filled with poop and it’s all over my bottom. As I try to clean myself it gets all over my hands and I work frantically to clean myself and all the poop on the floor. In some of the dreams there is someone in the room. In my dream I keep asking myself why this happens to me so often.
I can’t figure out what this could mean. Can you give me some insight.
Hi Mary. It feels as if my responses to all these questions I am getting always begins with my pointing out the exact same thing I began this blog with!! (Which is a bit funny), but I will reiterate….
“……..a dream is the interior conversation you have with yourself, and it is triggered by a very specific recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve. I want to familiarize you with the 6 Point of Entry method I developed, in order to help you attach your dream to the waking life situation you were discussing with yourself when you had the dream.
The Feelings, The Action, The Puns and Play on Words, The Symbols, The Repetition, and finally, The Plot.
If we begin by using the symbol as a pure metaphor, shit will be about letting something out. We may use that symbol when we have either expressed our feelings, but perhaps more so, when we have not! A dream of you shitting may be your unconscious mind hoping for and encouraging you to let it out and express whatever it is you have to say.”……SO even though your dream may repeat, each time you have it—-its is anyways ALWAYS AT THE FIRST LEVEL, related to some event or situation in your waking life that you either thought about or that happened to you, the day before you had the dream. If I had your dream the way you are describing it…..I would be asking myself what circumstance happened this week in which I feel “I said a lot of “shitty” things to someone, and I’m trying to clean up the mess.” The most important aspect is EACH DREAM IS DEALING WITH ONE SPECIFIC situation. Perhaps you use this image because you are “feeling” like you are in trouble with someone….= being in shit. Look for the waking person or situation THIS WEEK that you were discussing with yourself when you had this dream!Good luck! I hope that helps.
One and a half week ago I had a dream I was sitting in the car with my ex when I needed to let out some air, but it turned out to be diarrhea…
A week ago I had a dream of solid healthy and normal poo
And last night I was dreaming that I was in the hospital after surgery… Many nurses around my bed and I needed to poo… It was like those hard small balls like a bunny (but a bit bigger) I picked them up under the blankets by hand and asked for a trashcan to put them in… Then all the nurses started saying how bad it smelled and how gross that is… I told them I needed to let it out, couldn’t keep it in… A doctor than said: well a normal person would do that sneaky without anyone knowing…
What could this mean?
Hi Marjan
Every dream is an interior conversation that takes place between your conscious and your unconscious mind. And also every dream is triggered by a person or situation in your life this week that’s bugging you.
So you will want to be first perhaps think about a very specific situation in your life that is making you feel the same way you felt inside your dream. It’s a mirror. If this was my dream I would be looking for some words or thoughts of mine I recently “had to let out”.
The good news is that the solution to whatever is bugging you appears in a dream before you get it consciously. That’s what I do. I teach people how to recognize a solution when it comes in the form of a metaphor. That said, I invite you to book a private consultation with me and we can discuss why you had that dream. You can book a session by going to
Hello, I don’t always remember my dreams so this one piqued my curiosity. I was in a very fancy hotel. It seemed like it might be a hotel in a foreign place like Dubai. I really needed to use the toilet so I went to the public toilets in the great reception hall. While I was using the toilet many other women came in to use the toilets too, but because there were only two or three stalls, they had to wait. I could tell they were impatient. I didn’t spend much time using the toilet but there was an unusually large quantity. To be blunt, a lot of big poop. I was surprised at the amount. When I tried to flush the toilet it wouldn’t go down. The flush mechanism wasn’t working properly. I decided to wait for the bowl to be ready to flush again. I was very nervous because the women waiting needed the toilet too and this was taking some time. Finally it seemed like I was able to get everything to flush and I left the restrooms. I walked out into the reception area and out of the hotel but I returned immediately thinking I should go back to make sure that there weren’t any problems with the toilet. For some reason I went walking back towards the restrooms with a white tablecloth draped over my shoulder. Some of the hotel personnel were looking at me discretely but didn’t say anything. This is when I woke up.
Hi Kern, if you read my blog here at the beginning where I explain every dream is a discussion and a reflection of a very specific waking situation you experienced very close to the time you had the dream. Your goal is always to find the mirror…..What situation were you discussing with yourself when you had this dream? If I had this dream myself, it has a flavour of “getting caught”—-I seem to be worried about people finding out about something I believe I screwed up….You seem to have wanted to escape from something you did in the dream. Since every dream provides a solution to that specific waking situation…..When I look at your dream it is very positive in my opinion, that in the end you actually decided NOT to run away, but you turning back to be sure everything got cleared away. Once you name the waking situation that triggered this dream, I suspect you might want to “go back” to whomever the circumstance involved, and see if you are all okay.
I had a dream where I’m showering I see poop in the bowl inside a bucket full of water there’s 3 of them and in the toilet bowl full of poop. what does it mean weird. thank you
Hi May. It’s hard for me to understand your dream. I’m confused if you are saying the poop was in the shower with you in a bucket?? Regardless, the dream is specifically related to a current waking issue in your life, so without you here with me to discuss—-I am not a psychic. I have a psychological approach. That means I would need to speak to you, the dreamer, in order to learn what incident in your life you were discussing with yourself when you had this dream. I hope that helps! If you’d like to investigate further, you can book a consultation by going to this link:
Please how about watching your mom cleaning the public toilet and all of sudden her leg fell off into the toilet and she immediately came out and clean all with lots of water.
Hi. Your dream is quite specific as I am sure your feelings inside it are. Since the task is to find what exact recent situation in YOUR LIFE your dream is addressing, I would have to speak with you to figure it out. I’m not a psychic. Your dream is a reflection of something from your life. We discover the meaning together. Here’ where you can book a consultation. Look forward to speaking with you. Best,
I HAD A DREAM MY DOG HAD A DINGLEBERRY and i was chasing after him but could never catch him to remove the DINGLEBERRY! it just kept swangin around. just wondering what this means for my mental health?!
Since every dream at the first level is you working out a VERY recent waking situation, if I had your dream, I might have it if I was in a discussion that finished too abruptly (for me), so in other words, the “shit” I was discussing with someone “got left hanging”. Further, my dream would be there to encourage me to re-open the discussion so I’m not chasing some situation that was left hanging.
my husband had a dream that I pooped on
him while having sex with him (me in top)
Hi there. Since we are problem-solving a situation from our waking life this week…..your husband’s dream is directly related to his life. So the only way to know what situation triggered this dream is to speak to him, the dreamer himself.Perhaps ask him how he felt in the dream and what recent event in his waking life has him feeling the same way. One play on words that comes immediately to mind is to inquire if he’s been feeling like you or someone else in his life has been shitting on him.
Hi Layne, I am a very vivid dreamer but I have never had a poop dream until last night! I dreamt I was in a bathroom but it was also a classroom. I had explosive diarrhea repeatedly and I would get in a bath and clean myself and then get out and it would go again and get absolutely everywhere! People kept trying to get into this room I was in and I had to keep re locking the door. Another door appeared across the room where a teacher was trying to walk in with a student and there was a huge splatter of poop right in their walkway and they looked at me and then quickly went back into their classroom and shut the door. I was doing everything to try and clean myself up but with no success! This dream was so stressful! I also remember thinking in my dream that I hoped I wasn’t actually pooping in my sleep lol! In the midst of this nightmare I also missed work and a random awards night for my mum. When I finally moved onto the next part of my dream I was living in the streets with homeless people. I am so confused!!
Hi Haylea
Thanks for reaching out. Before I even finished reading your dream it was the “explosive” diarrhea that immediately caught my attention. If this was my dream the first thing I would be looking for is to name what situation in my life this week I have feelings about that I am NOT expressing!! In fact I have been “holding in” what I need to say for perhaps so long, my dream is encouraging me to LET IT OUT! hence, the explosion. So the solution is right there as clear as day and your unconscious has so brilliantly caught your attention…..which is its job. Other questions I might ask myself…..(the teacher and student quickly going back) Who doesn’t want to hear the shit I feel I must express? Am I holding back because I worry speaking my truth might render me “homeless”? In a metaphor my family rejecting me? Or is the issue at my work = repercussion might be no job? = (Homeless)??
The main point is your dream is a place where you can rehearse letting out what you need to say. In the safety of a dream you get to practice speaking up and be more ready becuase you rehearsed inside your dream. Your thoughts are welcome!
I was sleeping with a toddler who then pooped on me. when I woke up I realised we were so poor. wearing dirty tattered clothes. I woke him up and said go and finish the business on that mound of sand so when you are done we use the sand to clean up. when we tried cleaning up I remember not being able to get it off. it just would not clean out
Hi Karen
My impression, or better said, projection when I read your dream, has me connected to how once you speak something out, it’s out. And while I might try “cleaning the mess” that was created by someone in my life I am casting as a young child, speaking, once it’s out? It’s out. My feelings are soiled. I can’t erase how I feel. I suppose the big question is who spoke and who got soiled/hurt? Is it you who is hurt by someone you see as a toddler?…..or is the toddler in your dream representative of the inexperienced aspect of yourself who responded to someone like a child would? I leave the answers to these questions in your capable hands!
Hi Layne!
My husband left me and our daughter in March, but I feel that we will get back together. Anyway, I had a dream where he and I, our daughter, and someone else were in a bathroom together, and he pooped on the toilet. I tried to leave, but was locked in.
Hi Emily
In dreams we speak the language of metaphor, so you will want to “translate” literally what you were saying to yourself when you had this dream. If this was my dream, I would focus myself on the feelings. How did I feel in this dream, and what situation in my current life is my dream reflecting? If this was my dream, I would feel struck by the fact that I “tried to leave, but was locked in.” Do you think you are describing how you are “stuck” with your husband’s shit? Our dreams are always there to encourage us to take action; to act. Perhaps somewhere inside yourself are you preparing to NOT get back together?
Interesting topic. Last night (or this morning), I was dreaming of being in a public restroom… very large with lots of stalls, but only one with a door. There were men and women walking in and out. I’m attempting to have privacy to go to the bathroom. I keep wiping and wiping, but I cannot get myself clean. People keep interrupting me and talking to me. At one point, my mom comes in… using the restroom out in the open… then begins to talk to me. Then starts commenting on the lights… and how they would be good for my funeral.
Through all of this… I’m still attempting to wipe and clean myself… and then… the toilet paper is gone.
There were so many parts and things happening. I’m a Holistic Practitioner and have an idea… but I found your thread and really wanted to hear your thoughts on this. Thank you.
Hi Tammy
Since dream analysis is a two-way conversation between myself and the dreamer, in this circumstance I am left to guess what specific waking situation you were discussing with yourself when you had this dream. For me, where you say, ” I keep wiping and wiping, but I cannot get myself clean.” and then you repeat “I’m still attempting to wipe and clean myself,” added to the fact that you can’t seem to do so in privacy…..Here is what I see as the solution this dream presents:
If I use the theory of taking the dream’s situation outside to waking life and solve the puzzle outside the dream, I will ask myself, if I am in a circumstance where I’m still attempting to wipe and clean myself… and then… the toilet paper is gone…….what is my solution? I would ask for help!! I have even BEEN in this situation!! Have you? Ever asked the person in the next stall or call out to others in the room if someone can pass you some paper??
THAT for me is the solution. Perhaps my waking situation is about me feeling safe to “express myself” and perhaps more importantly, to express my feelings in private. If this was my dream, the solution would be to ask for help to the person I want to express my feelings to directly. In other words….book a time with that person at a place there’s a door!
Hi Layne,
I had a dream that I had my poop wrapped in a paper bag and I went to a station where it was the only place with a toilet and a dustpan where I could through the poop out, but the guard was changing my mother (who was with me) for me to throw away the poop. We were negotiating the amount and he just wasn’t budging. Then some people came and we were talking about a birthday cake. I looked younger in the dream, as in an age where my mother still needed to argue for me (yet I am 44). I kept on holding my poop in the bag hoping it would t spill and was surprised that it wasn’t smelling at all, as no one could detect that it was poop I had in my hand. It was green in colour which could have passed for a mashed vegetable.
Hi Nel
Every dream is the interior, problem-solving conversation that takes place between your conscious and your unconscious mind. At the surface level, every dream is triggered by something that either happened to you or something you thought about, the day before you had the dream. That’s your goal. Uncover what circumstance you are discussing with yourself, and what’s the solution? If this was my dream, I might have a dream like this when I am “carrying around shit I need to say”. Literally. So I am NOT letting it go. I am “carrying it” around with me. For a solution I’d tap the symbol of my mother as it seems like I need to adopt some of her character traits in order to speak up for myself… which case she would/could potentially be the solution to my waking life recent issue.
Hello Layne. I dreamed that I was having sex with a girl in Cuba, I have lived in the USA for three years, and at the moment of orgasm my poop came out in a way that I couldn’t avoid. I didn’t feel so bad But he knew he had to deal with the comments throughout the neighborhood. The girl didn’t say anything, she just got dressed and left because we had already finished sex
Hello Manuel, The way you wrote this is a bit confusing since you say “he knew he had to deal….” I thought you were talking about yourself since you began by saying “I dreamed….” so I have no idea who “he” is. But most importantly, in a dream like this —in order to help you name the very recent waking situation in your life you were dis cussing with yourself when you had this dream? you should ask yourself how did you feel inside this dream? Once you are in touch with how you felt, you will understand what happened in your very recent life that made you feel the same way. We you embarrassed? It seems like this wasn’t something you “did on purpose”, rather it was something that happened by accident. Whatever situation in your life has you feeling embarrassed, perhaps your dream is here to point out whatever it is—you can forgive yourself. It was an accident. I hope that helps.
I dreamed I was in a resort. I was just married. There was a lot of white color around me. I felt like I had to poop but I don’t remember pooping. I went inside the resort, took off all of my clothes and realized I was a heavy person getting ready to jump into bed with my new husband but not realizing I had poop on me. I saw my husband’s reaction and he said it smelled like poop. I didn’t smell anything. But then I saw my Deceased mother. She was telling me that the poop was all over the place. I then saw myself retracing my steps going from place to place and I would find poop everywhere I had been. I saw myself cleaning up after myself and thinking I didn’t want my husband (not married in real life but divorced) to see any of the places I pooped at. After that, I just woke up thinking did I poop in bed but I had not.
Hi Maria. Thanks for reaching out and for sharing your dream. I am not a “psychic” and so working with me is not an experience like that. I have a psychological approach to dream analysis. That means I need to speak with you, the dreamer, in order to uncover what specific situation in your life this week triggered this dream.
In case you’re not aware, a dream is an interior conversation that takes place between your conscious and your unconscious mind.
This conversation is triggered by a person or situation in your life this week that’s bugging you. The good news is that the solution to whatever is bugging you appears in a dream before you get it consciously. That’s what I do. I teach people how to recognize a solution when it comes in the form of a metaphor. Using my own associations and applying them to your dream, I’d be looking for some recent situation in which perhaps I “EXPRESSED MYSELF” and perhaps enough people heard me. I also imagine whatever I said wasn’t very nice…..In fact what I said probably “stinks”…..It’s kind of like the expression “airing your dirty laundry in public”….Like when you watch or hear a couple in a restaurant arguing, or a mom giving her kid “shit”. See what I mean? You take to the task of “cleaning up after yourself” in the dream. Perhaps you are suggesting to yourself you may want to clean up whatever damage happened in your very recent waking life. I hope that helps!
Hi Layne,
I had a dream that I was in the bathroom, making a bowel movement and there was a hair attached and I had to pull it out with my hands. What does the stream mean? I’ve never had a dream like this.
Hi Maria. Every dream is an interior conversation using the language of metaphor. We are always looking for what very specific very recent situation you were discussing with yourself when you had the dream. So while this dream is about YOUR life and not mine, I can help you by sharing under what circumstances in my own life I might have a dream like yours. That said, if this was my dream, I’d be looking for some “shit” I got myself into recently. Maybe I was rude to someone. Even better maybe I was “nitpicking” at the person (being too hard on them maybe?). So I am using the “nit-picking” expression because you said you had to pull out a hair. I’d be looking for something like that. I hope that helps. The most important aspect of your dream for me is that it was you who shit…….This would possibly be my better self realizing it’s me who caused some shit, and maybe I need to own it—-take some responsibility—and apologize.So, I wouldn’t be “picking” at some small part. I would just apologize. I hope my projection resonates! Good luck!
I had a dream while I was napping. I was shopping with my sister. We are close in waking life. She kept pointing out clothing, especially pants I did not like and suggesting I get them. When I looked down I realized I was not wearing pants. I awoke from my nap in a fitting room wondering about the socks I was wearing. I did not remember putting on those socks, they didn’t match and they were inside out. I was suddenly aware I was dreaming, but could do nothing about it. I was laughing with my sister because I had pooped myself and it was my brother inlaws fault because he had made me laugh knowing I was desperately looking for a toilet. I asked my sister if it was noticable and she said it was, especially because I was still not wearing pants. There was a restroom in the corner and I had to squeeze through the door that was very narrow. There were too many people and I was ashamed because I was not wearing pants and my socks didn’t match, not because I had soiled myself. I tried to leave but now the narrow door was a tiny hall way and I was terrified to squeeze through for fear of getting poo on the wall. I told myself I had to wake up so I didn’t have to go in that hall, and I did wake. Oddly enough I was thinking about my feet and wondering what became of the socks I was wearing in the dream because I really like those socks and I was currently bare footed.
Hi Jamie. As I wrote to the last dreamer, every dream is an interior conversation using the language of metaphor. We are always looking for what very specific very recent situation you were discussing with yourself when you had the dream. So while this dream is about YOUR life and not mine, I can help you by sharing under what circumstances in my own life I might have a dream like yours. That said, if this was my dream, I’d be looking for some “shit” I got myself into recently. Maybe I was rude to someone. I think your main point in this dream is how not only are you wide open and exposed, but you have to “squeeze yourself” out of trouble……And more even than trying to squeeze yourself out of whatever “shit” you caused, for me it’s like you’re admitting the trouble you may have caused will still be exposed. I say that because you say, “I was terrified to squeeze through for fear of getting poo on the wall.” So, whatever the situation, for me this dream may be calling my attention to my “ignoring” the matter. I’m busy worrying about how I look, and much less about how I made someone else feel. The great strength in this dream for me is how you are in touch with feeling ashamed. If this was my dream, I might have it to encourage myself to bring my shame out into the open by either taking responsibility for what I feel I did and apologizing for it. I certainly wouldn’t be focused on my socks. For me, focusing on my socks is what I look like when I am avoiding or ignoring the recent issue. Instead, I may need to put on my big girl pants and own whatever I did. Perhaps my dream is here to point all that out. Your thoughts are always welcome.
Hi last night a had a dream and for the first time in a long time a remembered the dream. I was in a desk in a hotel with my head down like dreaming and I woke up and didn’t know where I was and I was naked. I started looking around in panic because i was disoriented and naked. Then a see diarrhea on the pillow of the bed but covered and then on the floor. A lady is trying to clean it and my mother in law is telling me is ok no worries but I was horrified.
Hi Ana. Thanks for sharing your dream. The most important thing you said was that you felt “horrified”. Since the dream is you trying to work something out that happened to you the days around the time you had the dream, I’d be looking for something you experienced that upset you. Whatever incident upset you wasn’t as “big” as horrified you…..but if you did not express your feelings and “held your feelings in”….that’s why you would have a dream in which you are “horrified”. The unconscious creates a balance. Seems like all this diarrhea is a rehearsal for you to “let it out”. Speak the words you need to speak!
In my dream I was at someone I know house a lady and coincidentally I was spending the night there when I had the dream. I’m at the bathroom door waiting for my turn to go in. She opened the door smiles at me as she exited, I said hello and walked in. Well when I walked in there’s poop in the toilet and not solid poop either. I thought to myself now how is that someone wipes themselves, places the dirty tissue in the toilet and still forgets to flush. I brushed off the incident flushed the toilet and used it. Well it happened again the next day. I’m at the bathroom door and she comes out with a smile on her face and I say hello again and lo and behold poop in the toilet again. I’m looking confused and baffled like why is she continuing to do this. I know she knows better. I flush the toilet and proceed to use it. Sometimes I think this dream is telling me to trust my instinct about this person. We had an issue in the past. I discussed a matter with her on why things made me abandon our relationship I’m good now but now I’m wondering if I can trust her especially after this dream. One thing I can say I felt like there was some insincere feelings from her.
Hi Courtney. While our dreams are not necessarily literal, I must admit, if this was my dream? I would trust your analysis! And I would also say good for you for catching your intelligent unconscious and the messages it sends! Tread carefully. Trust takes time to build and you deserve to feel good and right about who you spend you time with. Bravo on your hunch and your analysis!
My mother was recently placed in a nursing facility with all the usual fighting about who will do what. I also just got married. I’ve Ben upset at the lack of sibling initiative in t hi s situation. I am kit emotional but has a good cry 3 days ago in front of my husband. I then had a dream I had gas and I tried to release it discreetly but it ended up being a few pieces of poop. With more drama happening with my mother, I dreamt I had to use the bathroom but when I got in the bathroom to go, I had pooped already and it was all over my right leg and I was trying to clean it up but the toilet paper wasn’t sufficient. Then I woke up.
Hi. Thank you for reaching out. Reading this, it sounds like you have successfully connected your dream to your waking-life current situation. In the world of dream analysis, that’s very positive. So it sounds like when you say, “I had pooped already…” you might be referring to the fact that you already DID let it out by having that good cry with your husband. Now it’s almost as if you are saying how now that there’s “more drama” there’s not enough toilet paper to “clean up” all the sadness you are experiencing. The good news I can offer you here is how the more we “rehearse” even sadness in our dreams, the better prepared we are expressing and managing it during the daylight hours. We manage better because we have been practicing in the dream. Your dream (even tho may not seem so while it’s happening) is actually helping you relieve some of the emotions you are feeling. I hope that helps. Perhaps your dreams will encourage you to “express yourself” to your siblings about their lack of initiative. That (in a metaphor) will be you giving yourself the toilet paper you were missing in the dream.
I had a dream that my new husband and I were sitting next to each other pooping on our own toilets. This is all I really could remember. Us just sitting and talking like it was not weird while we were pooping. I’m baffled to what this could mean. Any insight would be appreciated.
Hi there. Thanks for writing in. Since the dream is an interior conversation triggered by a specific situation that happened to you (or that you thought about) the day before the dream, the first goal is always to find the situation you were discussing with yourself in the dream. Reading your dream I would be looking for some very recent waking situation you are “under-reacting” to. It looks like you are behaving in a way you normally wouldn’t consider in your waking life. —-After all—-would that be normal, you and your husband casually just making beside each other? Somehow I doubt it. I would look for a waking situation in which I am not responding in the most appropriate way. If you thought of what that is? Then your dream has succeeded in calling your attention to “wake up” and respond appropriately. Would love to hear if you connected to what I am saying.
I’ve dream about pooping color pink poop what does it mean
Hi. Our dreams ans the images we choose are VERY personal…..Not like a ridiculous dream dictionary. What does the color pink mean to YOU? If you say something like pink is a soft color……perhaps you said something to someone that might be considered by some as rude or condescending but because you may have tried to deliver what you said in a kind way….you dreamed you pooed pink.
I saw I went to a public toilet but someone pooped in the floor of the bathroom nd cover with a umbrella so that no one can see it. But it was visible. I may be pee or something I couldn’t recall clearly but after that when I was washing my legs, the water went to the poop side nd few piece of poop parts was spreading . Nd it even touches my feet . It made me feel so disgusted nd I left. I also dreamt so many other things but this dream was a small part.
Since the dream is a reflection of a very recent event in your waking life, and since you describe how this dream made you feel “…so disgusted” I would begin by asking myself what situation in your life this week has you feeling the same way? As for a solution….Once you can name the specific situation that recently disgusted you, I already see the solution to the problem right there in your dream!! WALK AWAY! Walk away from whatever the situation is that you were discussing with yourself when you had that dream.
I saw I was wearing just one top and penty in front of people.
Hi. I suspect you meant to write that you were wearing a top and panties in front of people. How do you think you felt in your dream? If it was my dream, I would probably felt exposed, or perhaps embarrassed in some way. This would lead me to ask myself what recent situation in my life this week has me feeling exposed and/or embarrassed. Or perhaps if I expressed to someone how I “really” feel….that right there would be a picture of me “revealing” my true feelings. The dream is a reflection of a very recent circumstance in your life.
I had a dream, i was on the toilet and lots of poop was coming out while I was checking my partners phone and who was last dialled on his contact list. I was panicked in the dream as he was calling me from downstairs. Then I woke up.
Since we are using our “language” to discuss and problem solve a very recent waking experience (that may or may not have anything to do with your boyfriend)…..perhaps you are saying you’ve been up to doing some “shit” lately and now you’re “scared shit” you might get caught.
I was wearing all white. I went to the bathroom and pooped but the poop wouldn’t stop. I kept trying to wipe and clean but my sleeves, pants, became stained w poop. Later i seemed to have it under control but it started again. Went to find a bathroom and started pooping huge amounts of huge poop. Find out bathroom is a lounge and everyone can see me. It gets so bad i beg to go to the hospital. My clothes continue to be white.
Hi Anne, As you have no doubt read by my other responses to people on this blog, your dream is reflecting a very specific waking situation you’ve been dealing with. Some clues for you in your dream are how you “have so much to let out”. In the language of metaphor, this would suggest it’s your feelings you need to let out. In fact you say even when you think you have it under control—it started again. If this was my dream, the fact it ends with you begging to go to the hospital? That would be me–suggesting to myself to reach out for help. I would be looking for some waking situation in my life where I am not feeling heard, and whether it be with a therapist or person I trust, I’d be asking for help about getting my feelings out.
I had a dream about using the restroom and taking all different kinds of poops on the toilet and flushing. But before I flushed I looked down with all kinds of curiosity. I personally feel I flushed my curiosity away with it. I’m unsure of what it means but I’d like to get more incite. .
Hi Lanie. We seem to have the same name!…..Since at the first level the dream is reflecting a waking circumstance, if this was my dream, I’d be looking for how much attention I have possibly been giving to “shit”…..In fact, since it’s me who was “doing the making” –this dream even smells of some procrastination…..Well, it’s one thing I’d be looking for! You also might think about something that’s recently got your curiosity, which your dream seems to suggest is just “shit” and advises to flush your attention away from “wasting” your time.
I had a dream that I was watching several people on a 3 story balcony poop off the side and onto people down below. The people below were walking by and some just laying on the beach/ pool area. Can’t recall which it was but the 3 story balcony was filled with people in beach chairs. The highest level is the one where people pooped off the side. Some diarrhea and some not. I was horrified and truly disturbed. Both in the dream and when I woke.
Hi Elizabeth. If you are familiar with my work then you already know our dreams are reflecting a very specific current waking life situation we are trying to problem-solve. Further the solution to how you want to respond to the person or situation that’s bugging you, appears inside the dream before you get it consciously. So the first task you want to do is name the thing that’s bugging you in order to help you realize what you want to do about it. The easiest way to name the situation you were discussing with yourself in this dream is how you said, “I was horrified and truly disturbed”. When we humans don’t express our feelings, or hold them in, our dreams will often MAGNIFY the feelings to help grab your attention, so you want to ask yourself what happened recently that didn’t necessarily “horrify” you—-but most certainly did disturb you. The fact that people were literally shitting on others would have me wondering if you have recently observed someone abusing others……me…..standing and watching but not responding…. Perhaps your dream is here to encourage you to stop “observing” and instead SPEAK!
In my dream, I was discussing with someone who seemed like a friend (I can’t seem to make out a face when I woke) while taking a walk about a mutual friend who seemed to be very dirty in his apartment because we heard reports that he hardly flushes his toilet. This friend then leads me through a field and it turned out it was filled with poop, as I hopped over the first one on my way, the friend says it’s strange because poop is not supposed to be on the field, but it turned out that each hop I took leads to another hop as the poop was scattered everywhere where on the field so I had to practically hop, hop all through the field till I got back to the main road that was tarred. I turned over my shoes and noticed I didn’t step on any and I excitedly showed them to my friend saying “see, I didn’t step on any poop” the friend responded and said, seems like you are an expert at jumping over things, we laughed, continued the walk and I woke up.
Hi. If this was my dream I would be looking for some very recent situation in my life where I am certainly going out of my way to avoid getting in shit. Literally……I will add it seems like it’s not an easy job. Perhaps you are dealing with a person who shows their displeasure or anger very often. Hence all the shit you have to avoid. The thing that most strikes me about your dream is all the hopping you are doing…..Do you think your dream is asking you to stop hopping around and face whatever the shit is??……I only ask because spending our time hopping to avoid the shit we may land in, is in itself a good reason to start speaking up about whatever (or whomever) it is that you feel stops you from just being able to walk through the field. The fact that you brought “a field” into your dream might have me looking at my workplace… “field”, but since your broiled a friend into your dream, it can just as easily be about a personal relationship.
Lately, I dream a lot! I have had another dream about poop or pooping but I cannot remember, definitely is not the same. I dream about I think being in a kind of day party with some people from my family where there was a female cousin and my grandmother are the only ones I definitely recall. At a certain point, I find myself entering into a closet, and in the space where the coat is hung there is a white bucket where I poop it was a lot, and because of this I find myself covered in it so I clean myself with baby wipes, the pool was kind off yellow ish and I have a bag where I was putting the wipes in, also I’m having the feeling that I got my sleeve dirty but kind off don’t find it. It feels like the closet is located or outside or in a very light by the sun room, I notice while squatting and cleaning myself looking outside between the hanging arms of the coats.
Hi Gabriela. I think this reel will help you make some sense about your dream. Most important is to keep in mind, the dream is reflecting a recent waking situation from your life you are attempting to problem-solve. If making is “expressing yourself”, then I’d say whatever situation is going on in your recent life, perhaps your dream of making —– (or expressing yourself) can come out of the closet—-literally. Don’t be worried about speaking up! Here’s a reel for you.
Hi Layne,
I just have a dream about me and husband in a unknown tight space toilet, where my husband is on the bidet and me standing beside waiting, and in the same cubicle, there is this thing attached to the wall we do not know what it is, but seems like a hand soap dispenser but is brand under as Rolex. As we we seeing it, a part of this hand soap dispenser suddenly right in front of us break, and liquid started overflowing the floor, my husband who was at the moment on the bidet wanted to stand up realise the floor is slippery and started to panic, at the same time, poo came flowing out of him and covering everywhere and including me.
The next scene suddenly was I was left alone all by myself with some residue of poo on myself sitting or lying down somewhere with no sight of my husband. And when others on by passerby came to disturb me, I saw my husband with my kids and they hand already went lunch without me and this time round I can see the scene seems to be malls area at Genting Highlands Malaysia. As we are happend to be going to Genting Highlands Malaysia in a week time, may I asked what does my dream meant?
Hi VK. Thanks for reaching out again and for sharing your dream. I am not a “psychic” and so working with me is not an experience like that. I have a psychological approach to dream analysis. That means I need to speak with you, the dreamer, in order to uncover what your personal associations to the images you chose in the dream are, how you felt in the dream and most importantly what specific situation in your life this week triggered this dream.
In case you’re not aware, a dream is an interior conversation that takes place between your conscious and your unconscious mind.
This conversation is triggered by a person or situation in your life this week that’s bugging you. The good news is that the solution to whatever is bugging you appears in a dream before you get it consciously. That’s what I do. I teach people how to recognize a solution when it comes in the form of a metaphor.
The short way to find out why you had a dream is to think about how you felt in the dream….To me it sounds left out—–and look for something that happened that made you feel the same way. Seems like a lot has been “coming out” in your life. Your dream wants you to express how you’re feeling, so don’t hold your feelings in.
I invite you to book a private consultation with me and we can discuss why you had that dream. You can book a session by going to
I had a dream that I was at work. And I was covered from the waist down and feces I was trying to clean myself up and I couldn’t. I had on a diaper and it was all over the diaper we can this mean? I have been having a lot of trouble at work lately with people lying on me. Can this be related?
Hi Latisha. I am imagining you are asking this question after you read my blog post? You will notice how I write the following:
Truly though, when it comes to investigating a “shit” dream, the best Point of Entry you can use is play on words. I’ll be smart to say, if you will kindly excuse my “language”, here below for you, is only a quick list of things we say; expressions we use, that immediately pop into my mind when thinking about “shit”. Please don’t be shy to add some of your own associations to my list, as here is where shit dreams may start from! I have shit to say = I have nothing to say, or I have something bad to say——I feel like shit today—–I’m in so much shit (trouble).—–That girl is so full of shit.—–That guy is such a piece of shit.
Since you seem to be aware that people are lying to you at work, we can safely say you may feel like you are “being treated like “shit”. So you seem to have correctly found why and how you chose this imagery in your dream. The best solution is to SPEAK UP!! Don’t hold back how you are feeling. Perhaps a manager at your work can help you. Good luck!
Hi Layne, I had a dream I held little piece of poop between my 2 bum cheeks hoping to get to a toilet but it fell on the street and I didn’t even realize until someone pointed out there was poop on the street but nobody saw it came out of me so I was relieved and carried on with a crowd that had some familiar faces. Then in same dream a 2nd more specific situation happened where I did a big long solid poop of about 6inches in white basin of water my friend and I were to bath in. She started bathing before I turned, saw and took out the poop and laid where the soap should be before I joined her and we finished. I recall wondering why the poop didn’t dissolve or make the water dirty at all as water was crystal clear. Then I tried to get rid of the poop but someone else had cleaned up completely. I was worried and checked for cameras but discovered this is one of those places you can’t place any so again I was relieved.
Please note I’m no longer friends with this lady and not worried or thinking about that friendship. However, I recently left my husband in what has been a messy public situation though it seems he wants to work things out but doesn’t know how and I am very angry with him and just want my peace and dignity. I’m also very worried about feedback on my visa so I think the dreams relate to these situations but I cannot connect. Thanks for your help
Hi Jane
Thanks for reaching out. While I agree with you this dream conversation sounds like it could be a reflection of the “messy public situation” you describe with your husband, since I am not in the business of mind-reading, and I am not a psychic, it will be impossible to figure out what you were specifically saying to yourself when you had this dream. Our dreams offer up a solution to a very specific current issue we are facing.
The only way a respectful analysis can take place is by my having a back and forth conversation with you—the dreamer. If you would like to look further into this interior discussion and what, exactly, you were saying to yourself, I suggest you book a private consultation. Here is the link where you can book one. I look forward to discussing your dream with you.
I stumbled onto this amazing site after having a dream with poop. I rarely have any poop dreams so this made an impression. I was at a McDonald’s sitting outside eating with my family. My daughter asks me to help her tie a bow in her hair. So I did. I say to her always ask for help if you need it. She continues to eat. I get up and walk to a duffle bag and grab my dopp kit because I wanted to go brush my teeth & hair. Apparently we are traveling or on a trip. A lady overhears me telling my daughter that advice and she reiterates the importance and sits down in the seat I got up from. I think nothing of it because my husband & son was sitting my daughter. I continue to walk into the McD to go to the bathroom. As I walk through the McD I noticed everything was in Japanese and I was ahhhh I’m in Japan. Anyways I get to the bathroom and I was F*ck this is not what I was expecting. The toilet was looking dirty and the bathroom itself was looking old. I was like that’s ok I’m going to put some toilet paper down the seat – I noticed there was a part of it was yellow & wet. Yuck someone had dropped it into the toilet previously and must’ve fished it out. I was like that’s ok i’ll just put toilet cover on it. I do my business and now I’m trying to wipe up and the realizing the roll of toilet paper is not usable I was wiping with paper towels and my luckily I had wet wipes in my kit! BUT then I noticed in midst of this, I realized there was a 2nd toilet in the stall – 2 toilets in 1 stall so there was another door on the other end. I only noticed this when 2 people were talking. I close off that door to finish cleaning up. I see poop on the floor – little balls of poop. I was Oh Gawd. There were like 4-5 so it’s fine – I’ll just pick it up with paper towels. I proceed to do it and a little poop gets under one of my fingernails. I continue picking up the other ones to see i’m barefoot (since when!?!) and little ball poop was in between my toes but some of it got under my toe nail. Ugh. So gross. I remember feeling and thinking that. I stick my foot under that faucet in the sink and start washing. I was my hands and got poop out of nails. I leave the bathroom and open the door to see a dance class in middle of session. A bunch of dancers very glitz and very glam dancing in a synchronized choreography. The instructor even had glitter glasses!
I wake after that and I have questions. Haha! So here I am.
Hi Shirley
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your dream. As you may have seen by reading my blog, a dream is actually the interior conversation you have with yourself and it is triggered by a very recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve.
Since I am not a “psychic”, and so “telling” you what your dream is about without speaking to you would be impossible! I have no idea what happened in your life yesterday that triggered this dream!….not without speaking to you!
I work from a psychological perspective, of course I need you in order for me to uncover what current waking situation in your life you were discussing with yourself in this dream.
My fee for a one hour private consultation is 149.00 . Half for 1/2 hour.
If that’s not what you can manage, I offer a free consultation if you agree to allow me to publish the analysis in a magazine article. You can choose a name you want me to use, so you remain anonymous.
Our conversation has to happen by text, so I am able to capture your words and mine exactly.
It is easiest to do it by text. Sometimes our conversation might take a day or so to give us time ——me asking you questions and you responding.
Let me know if you would like to book a private consultation. I posted the link here above for you, or if you prefer, you can let me know if texting is okay for you and of course send me your phone number so we can start!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Layne Dalfen
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Hi Layne,
I dreamt that I was in a huge room with 2 big beds (might be a motel/ chalet ) and I needed to poop. The bathroom in my room was unusable as there was no WC, just a shower head.
I opened my room door, saw a guy who worked for the place and asked him where can I go.
He said they usually do it on the floor and asked if I wanted a nicer, more premium toilet which my next door neighbor uses. I had to pay to use it and I said yes please bring me there.
He brought me to a dark stall with a broken bowl that is like 1 meter off the ground. I asked him how do I do it? He said to stand on a plastic box and aim my butt at the bowl. I said I couldn’t reach it. He shrugged and said this was the best toilet they had.
I said no to using the premium toilet and we walked back to where the rooms are. I then suggested doing it in the room and he was semi taken aback and said how about the smell.
I said I will open the windows and air it afterwards, somehow promising no smell.
I then put some plastic sheets on the bed in the room and taking a dump right on the bed and I woke up after that.
Hi Louie
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your dream. As you may have seen by reading my blog, a dream is actually the interior conversation you have with yourself and it is triggered by a very recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve.
Since I am not a “psychic”, and so “telling” you what your dream is about without speaking to you would be impossible! I have no idea what happened in your life yesterday that triggered this dream!….not without speaking to you!
I work from a psychological perspective, of course I need you in order for me to uncover what current waking situation in your life you were discussing with yourself in this dream.
My fee for a one hour private consultation is 149.00 . Half for 1/2 hour.
If you would like to book a private consultation, I will look forward to seeing you soon. I am posting the link here for you.
If that’s not what you can manage, I offer a free consultation if you agree to allow me to publish the analysis in a magazine article. You can choose a name you want me to use, so you remain anonymous.
Our conversation has to happen by text, so I am able to capture your words and mine exactly.
Sometimes our conversation might take a day or so to give us time ——me asking you questions and you responding.
Let me know if texting is okay for you and of course send me your phone number so we can start!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Layne Dalfen
• Instagram:
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I had a strange dream I was at some event with family my cousin my MIL a showed up out of nowhere and then my mom.
Then out of nowhere I feel the need to poop so I ran to the bathroom where I end up somehow going on my pants the floor etc like the runs type of stuff, it was family style public bathroom and a family was waiting the woman said omg what happened and I said idk as I was talking of my pants that got dirty and my shoes
She offered to help me find a sink and was. With me and gave me travel body wash and I cleaned up . Soooooo strange
Thanks for reaching out and sharing your dream. As you may have seen by reading my blog, a dream is actually the interior conversation you have with yourself and it is triggered by a very recent waking life situation you are attempting to problem-solve.
Since I am not a “psychic” and I work from a psychological perspective, of course I need you in order for me to uncover what current waking situation in your life you were discussing with yourself in this dream.
My fee for a one hour private consultation is 149.00 . Half for 1/2 hour.
If you would like to book a private consultation, I will look forward to seeing you soon. I am posting the link here for you.
If that’s not what you can manage, I offer a free consultation if you agree to allow me to publish the analysis in a magazine article. You can choose a name you want me to use, so you remain anonymous.
Our conversation has to happen by text, so I am able to capture your words and mine exactly.
Sometimes our conversation might take a day or so to give us time ——me asking you questions and you responding.
Let me know if texting is okay for you and of course send me your phone number so we can start!
I look forward to hearing from you.
Layne Dalfen
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