EDGE Exclusive: Expert Analyzes Readers’ Dreams

by Matthew WexlerEDGE Media Network ContributorFriday July 24, 2020 The stress of the global pandemic, unprecedented unemployment and a bickering federal government have all contributed to our subconscious working overtime these days. Fortunately, dream analyst and author Layne Dalfen has some answers for a few of our synapse-stimulated readers. We asked EDGE readers to share some of […]

What Can We Learn From One Woman’s Coronavirus Dream?

From Understanding Dreams Blog with Psychology Today Find out how our dreams are helping us cope through the coronavirus. Everybody dreams. Theories of dreams come and go, but in the final analysis, your dreams come from your own mind. Your brain creates images and strings them together into a story, and those images and stories have […]

If this were my dream; Projective Dream Analysis

The late Dr. Montague Ullmans’ approach, commonly referred to as the “If this were my dream” method is what I want to discuss in this article. Dr. Ullman, like all of us, was faced with a dilemma when working with a group of people doing dreamwork, a situation he found himself in constantly.

Sexual Dreams & Their Meanings

Sexual Dreams and Their Meanings

You have sex with your best friend. Or sex with a hot stranger, perhaps while lying in bed right next to your partner! How does this dream make you feel when you wake up? Aroused? Uncomfortable? Guilty? All of the above? It’s not surprising that of all the dream topics I analyze with clients,

My Story

Story 1 https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/PXbI_d08lkA Story 2 https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/tOsUnzGoWok Story 3 https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/0g-yzcbjUKo

Uplifting Story of Surviving & Thriving after a Tsunami

The video below is an uplifting story of surviving and thriving.  Mid interview, Jai Breisch discusses his precognitive dreams and the loss of his sister Kali during a family trip to Thailand in 2004, the year of the tsunami that killed over 230,000 people. We learn how he unraveled the symbolism in his dreams during the […]

Polarities in Dreams

Compass - polarities in dream interpretation

The philosophy that respects all the parts of the dream beings parts of ourselves begs a discussion of how polarities appear in our dreams. In fact, establishing the polarities in a dream often leads to the ‘answer’ or strength therein.

Remembering Your Dreams

Many people believe they cannot meet the first requirement of dreamwork —remembering their dreams. Some investigators, for example Freud, say that we forget our dreams because we don’t want to know what is in them. If true, this would be tough to overcome, and remembering our dreams would require professional assistance. However, this isn’t the […]

My Oprah Dreams: Repetition In Dreams

Oprah Winfrey

Here is a dream I had end of May 2011, the week that Oprah Winfrey’s last show was airing. During that period of my life I was having plenty of what I started to refer to as my Oprah Dreams. That’s why this one was titled Another Oprah Dream. This dream illustrates how we use […]