The Dream Analyst Blog
About dreaming
You may be asleep, but your brain’s keeping busy. Get acquainted with the science and psychology behind dreams.
My dreams
Get some practical dream interpretation advice with case studies picked from my own brain.
The patterns and coincidences that pop up in our dreams are loaded with meaning. Let’s try to decode these strange phenomena.
Dreams I can't Explain
Sometimes, even the experts get stumped. Here are a few trips into the unconscious that had me scratching my head.
My latest posts

Dream Dictionaries: Why You Should NEVER Use One
In the language of dream analysis, there is nothing so valuable and revealing than to interview the dreamer.

Dream Diary Top 6 Proven Tips and Benefits
Writing your dreams in a diary helps recall, analysis, and building knowledge of your private interior dictionary. These tips will help you create your own dream diaries.

Surprised and Confused but Not Turned on: When a Sex Dream Isn’t About Sex
Selina’s sexual dream brought with it a series of questions, surprises, and confusion. As it turned out though, the issue behind the dream had nothing to do with sex!

The Meaning of Snakes in a Dream
Dreams About Snakes It’s interesting how often I am asked about what it means when there are snakes in a dream. If you are using

Carl Jung Quote and Dream Analysis
In my recent endeavours to find ways to introduce the general public to the incredible value of dream analysis, I often think of this story about Carl Jung, because in it is captured the essence of all our dreams have to provide for us.

Toothless Dreams: One Image, Many Meanings
From Understanding Dreams Blog with Psychology Today Ever wonder why you dream that your teeth are falling out? The dream meaning of teeth falling out.