The Dream Analyst Blog
About dreaming
You may be asleep, but your brain’s keeping busy. Get acquainted with the science and psychology behind dreams.
My dreams
Get some practical dream interpretation advice with case studies picked from my own brain.
The patterns and coincidences that pop up in our dreams are loaded with meaning. Let’s try to decode these strange phenomena.
Dreams I can't Explain
Sometimes, even the experts get stumped. Here are a few trips into the unconscious that had me scratching my head.
My latest posts
If this were my dream; Projective Dream Analysis
The late Dr. Montague Ullmans’ approach, commonly referred to as the “If this were my dream” method is what I want to discuss in this article. Dr. Ullman, like all of us, was faced with a dilemma when working with a group of people doing dreamwork, a situation he found himself in constantly.
Sexual Dreams & Their Meanings
You have sex with your best friend. Or sex with a hot stranger, perhaps while lying in bed right next to your partner! How does this dream make you feel when you wake up? Aroused? Uncomfortable? Guilty? All of the above? It’s not surprising that of all the dream topics I analyze with clients,
My Story
Story 1 Story 2 Story 3
Uplifting Story of Surviving & Thriving after a Tsunami
The video below is an uplifting story of surviving and thriving. Mid interview, Jai Breisch discusses his precognitive dreams and the loss of his sister
Polarities in Dreams
The philosophy that respects all the parts of the dream beings parts of ourselves begs a discussion of how polarities appear in our dreams. In fact, establishing the polarities in a dream often leads to the ‘answer’ or strength therein.
Remembering Your Dreams
Many people believe they cannot meet the first requirement of dreamwork —remembering their dreams. Some investigators, for example Freud, say that we forget our dreams