Dream Fragments 2
Here’s another dream fragment (one image). This one is an example of a recurring image. After 39 years I am still as fascinated by how much information we can gather even from one sole image in a dream.
Here’s another dream fragment (one image). This one is an example of a recurring image. After 39 years I am still as fascinated by how much information we can gather even from one sole image in a dream.
The father’s of psychology agreed that the dream gives us a safe place to practice; in essence a rehearsal for an event. No kidding. Okay… I know it’s metaphor if, for example, you find yourself committing a murder, that you are not actually rehearing killing someone. Alfred Adler said the dream gives rise to an emotion that helps you move forward towards the goal.
Even though a few people were blocking my view, I realized my Dad was standing there! I went up and said “Hi Daddy” so happy to see him. He put his arms up to me to dance and we danced together!! Just the same as he used to with my Mom. Totally in step!! And not for a second either. I actually had a whole dance with him. There were no words. There didn’t need to be. I was with my Dad that night. I know he is with us.
In 2002 just after my book came out, was near the time a connection was starting to happen through an alumni site of a camp I grew up at in Lake George, NY. I was suddenly finding and corresponding with people who I hadn’t seen in over 40 years. In a conversation with Susan, one of my old girlfriends I mentioned that I am a dream analyst. She had said she’s had a recurring dream she would love to understand and so I invited her to call me so that we could work through decoding its meaning.
My daughter’s friend was asking about Billy Joel and The Piano Man this evening over dinner. As she had only heard of him for the first time today, she wondered if he is a country singer or a rock singer.
Last week I watched a TV show called Where Do I Come From? It’s a new show Lisa Kudrow produces where TV and movie stars work through ancestry.com to discover their roots. I have been thinking about visiting ancestry.com but it wasn’t until this morning that I finally took a peek. I ran a find on my late father, Joseph Dalfen z’l. It wasn’t long before I found him. I didn’t find him under the name of Joseph though. he was listed as Jacob. I knew his name was actually Jacob Joseph. He preferred his middle name and in fact I didn’t even learn his first name was Jacob until I was 10 or 11 years old.
After I finished typing in my Back to the Future dream this morning, I clicked on to my face book news feed page and what is the first post there?? It’s a post done by my daughter Lisa with a link to a photographer named Irina Werning. Inina’s recent project is titled Back to the Future!
My husband Andy has been working with the same company now for 23 years. Six months after he started working there he mentioned to his boss one day that his sister was going to marry R Dalfen (who is my cousin). The boss thought that was cool. It meant that now my sister-in-law would also be our cousin and our cousin would now also be our brother-in-law. 2 Segals marrying 2 Dalfens! Even that is amusing.
Here’s a mini synchronicity. I watched the Donald Trump Roast on Comedy Central this week. Marlee Matlin was one of the roasters. She is deaf and so she had, sitting beside her, her “assistant” who was signing what everyone else was saying. I said to Andy (my husband), that the signer looks exactly like a comedian I know who, I said, happens to be one of my all time favorite comedians, Gilbert Gottfried.
I was at a family Bar Mitzvah. A good friend of mine was there who I hadn’t seen in a while. We went to the washroom together where it would be quiet to catch up. The washroom was small, only three or four stalls. We were talking, catching up. When we came out of the stalls, we continued our conversation while washing our hands.